Redeemer Church en-us Audio Messages Redeemer Church is a redemptive community on a journey. People from all walks of life, imperfect and messy lives, pursuing and experiencing a transformational relationship with Jesus and each other. We're located in Albany, Utica & Rome NY 2025 Redeemer Church no Redeemer, Church, Servello, Michael Servello, Mike Servello, Mt. Zion, Mount Zion, Utica Redeemer Church Judges Part 15 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. 03 September 2017 12:00:00 no Sola Fide: By Faith Alone Pastor Mike Servello Jr 05 March 2017 12:00:00 no Lorem Ipsum Sermon John Doe Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 04 March 2017 12:00:00 no Another Test Sermon John Doe Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 02 March 2017 12:00:00 no Sermon Item Test John Doe 01 March 2017 12:00:00 no Excepteur Test 2 John Doe Morbi quis nulla sed metus ultrices sollicitudin. Nunc lacinia. Sed malesuada libero et mauris. Cras ipsum arcu, malesuada vel, nonummy a, lobortis sit amet, urna. Morbi quis nulla sed metus ultrices sollicitudin. Nunc lacinia. Sed malesuada libero et mauris. Cras ipsum arcu, malesuada vel, nonummy a, lobortis sit amet, urna. 25 February 2017 12:00:00 no Excepteur Test 1 John Doe Morbi hendrerit sem sit amet felis aliquam tincidunt. Morbi neque tellus, elementum sed, venenatis nec, fringilla nec, pede. Nunc iaculis lobortis sapien. Nulla libero. Morbi hendrerit sem sit amet felis aliquam tincidunt. Morbi neque tellus, elementum sed, venenatis nec, fringilla nec, pede. Nunc iaculis lobortis sapien. Nulla libero. 12 February 2017 12:00:00 no Pell Test Sermon Tester Aliquam in pede. Phasellus malesuada, velit eu mattis ornare, quam risus feugiat quam, quis bibendum lectus odio tincidunt turpis. Aliquam in pede. Phasellus malesuada, velit eu mattis ornare, quam risus feugiat quam, quis bibendum lectus odio tincidunt turpis. 02 February 2017 12:00:00 no Series Test Sermon 1 John Doe Fusce libero felis, euismod nec, mollis a, aliquet quis, magna. Donec at eros. Ut in nulla sed neque consectetuer scelerisque. Curabitur consequat. Fusce libero felis, euismod nec, mollis a, aliquet quis, magna. Donec at eros. Ut in nulla sed neque consectetuer scelerisque. Curabitur consequat. 01 January 2017 12:00:00 no Sola Christus - In Christ Alone Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 19th, 2017 90846381-7AE9-4A54-8046-BCF710F32E26-20236-0003FD9405304F01-FFA Sun, 19 Feb 2017 20:04:49 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 19th, 2017 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 19th, 2017 51:06 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Sola Fide - Through Faith Alone Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 12th, 2017 8061A95A-209C-40EC-9D4A-44CBD1F8E3DD-20236-0003FD7A24752903-FFA Sun, 12 Feb 2017 20:06:01 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 12th, 2017 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 12th, 2017 52:37 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Sola Gratia - By Grace Alone Guest speaker Chris Cali speaks on February 5th, 2017 18D86BE6-F0ED-481D-89C6-AE9C36F18027-20236-0003FD690CCB460C-FFA Sun, 05 Feb 2017 20:03:13 -0500 Guest speaker Chris Cali speaks on February 5th, 2017 Guest speaker Chris Cali speaks on February 5th, 2017 44:22 Chris Cali no Sola Scriptura - Scripture Alone Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 29th, 2017 AA03074E-292E-4F92-95BF-D467A0A66F0F-20236-0003FD5D838B682D-FFA Sun, 29 Jan 2017 20:06:33 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 29th, 2017 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 29th, 2017 52:37 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Guest Speaker - Danny Bonilla Guest Speaker Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks on January 22nd, 2017 502E4FBD-9EF0-4D85-92FA-8273C4575334-20236-0003FD4BC94EF7C9-FFA Sun, 22 Jan 2017 20:08:07 -0500 Guest Speaker Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks on January 22nd, 2017 Guest Speaker Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks on January 22nd, 2017 51:24 Pastor Danny Bonilla no Prayer & Fasting 2017 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 8th, 2017 A9E611F6-AC40-45FE-8DAC-F3D07A9F5C9B-20236-0003FD428C333623-FFA Sun, 08 Jan 2017 19:58:28 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 8th, 2017 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 8th, 2017 52:27 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Advent 2016 - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 25h, 2016. 41882D0A-D48D-41D1-9078-FAE9BB1DF8F8-20236-0003FD2C5AC748E5-FFA Sun, 25 Dec 2016 19:57:51 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 25h, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 25h, 2016. 22:46 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Advent 2016 - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 18h, 2016. 929C1221-43BE-4BD4-BE97-BC3A9AFC7C49-20236-0003FD255CACEF4E-FFA Sun, 18 Dec 2016 19:56:18 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 18h, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 18h, 2016. 39:54 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Advent 2016 - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 11th, 2016. 97D7FEE8-A8B4-44B8-B700-92A9A9633ED9-20236-0003FD1991A3B4A5-FFA Sun, 11 Dec 2016 19:55:46 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 11th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 11th, 2016. 47:43 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Advent 2016 - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 4th, 2016. 72784081-624D-4FEB-A2DB-D910AAB413EF-89403-00073B673F79FEB2-FFA Sun, 04 Dec 2016 22:51:49 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 4th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 4th, 2016. 46:47 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Give Thanks Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on November 27th, 2016. F011E348-8724-4CFA-9895-647AC2FAF71C-89403-00073B3F566E01DE-FFA Sun, 27 Nov 2016 22:48:30 -0500 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on November 27th, 2016. Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on November 27th, 2016. 55:25 Pastor Jim Synakowski no Holiness Part 6 Pastor Mike Webster speaks on November 20th, 2016. BF21A3B2-55C2-4B98-8F20-B0F799C01A44-89403-00073B2A42A09BD3-FFA Sun, 20 Nov 2016 22:46:53 -0500 Pastor Mike Webster speaks on November 20th, 2016. Pastor Mike Webster speaks on November 20th, 2016. 33:42 Pastor Mike Webster no Guest Speaker - Pastor David Hall Pastor David Hall speaks on November 13th, 2016. 4EB5369D-34CA-4CB2-B3D5-067C3792BB32-89403-00073B1D7A0F4631-FFA Sun, 13 Nov 2016 22:46:13 -0500 Pastor David Hall speaks on November 13th, 2016. Pastor David Hall speaks on November 13th, 2016. 38:14 Pastor David Hall no Holiness Part 5 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on November 6th, 2016. 48D1F3DF-E32D-4F60-A1AC-8AE3874910A0-89403-00073B15D7C0DBDB-FFA Sun, 06 Nov 2016 22:45:14 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on November 6th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello speaks on November 6th, 2016. 49:13 Pastor Mike Servello no Holiness Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 30th, 2016. 0F993B9F-904D-41A7-8DFB-F6B892EC3B8C-89403-00073B0E3F6C2150-FFA Sun, 30 Oct 2016 23:44:47 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 30th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 30th, 2016. 49:42 Pastor Mike Servello no Guest Speaker - Andy Webster Andy Webster speaks on October 23rd, 2016. C4D5C40C-FD58-4E85-BF97-304CA4237CA4-89403-00073B00221DBC34-FFA Sun, 23 Oct 2016 23:44:11 -0400 Andy Webster speaks on October 23rd, 2016. Andy Webster speaks on October 23rd, 2016. 34:05 Andy Webster no Holiness Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 16th, 2016. 60EAA396-FAA6-4EEB-8A0C-F03F3CAF67D6-89403-00073AF71F588F59-FFA Sun, 16 Oct 2016 23:43:14 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 16th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 16th, 2016. 51:16 Pastor Mike Servello no Holiness Part 2 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on October 9th, 2016. 8F8B6429-8423-4889-98C6-1F9EF55C9266-89403-00073AE35A55673B-FFA Sun, 09 Oct 2016 23:42:34 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on October 9th, 2016. Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on October 9th, 2016. 43:56 Pastor Mark Schilling no Holiness Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 2nd, 2016. A7667473-52F9-49A0-8FC1-3885B1F1198B-89403-00073AD8E3A47025-FFA Sun, 02 Oct 2016 23:42:23 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 2nd, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello speaks on October 2nd, 2016. 54:11 Pastor Mike Servello no 10 Commandments Part 10 - Thou Shalt Not Covet Pastor Mike Servello speaks on September 25th, 2016. BB564E99-B7D7-4056-95D3-43029395AD9A-89652-00073CC66563491D-FFA Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:16:21 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on September 11th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello speaks on September 11th, 2016. 48:37 Pastor Mike Servello no Guest Speaker - Pastor Rick Shelton Pastor Rick Shelton speaks on September 18th, 2016. A121D43F-6227-41AC-86C3-E42EAE7620D0-89403-00073AC6C11BE45E-FFA Sun, 18 Sep 2016 23:39:51 -0400 Pastor Rick Shelton speaks on September 18th, 2016. Pastor Rick Shelton speaks on September 18th, 2016. 42:09 Pastor Rick Shelton no 10 Commandments Part 9 - Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Pastor Mike Servello speaks on September 11th, 2016. 4B6E09CA-AC9A-47BF-8840-DD2A029759CB-89403-00073ABBF728F0A3-FFA Sun, 11 Sep 2016 23:39:06 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on September 11th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello speaks on September 11th, 2016. 48:37 Pastor Mike Servello no 10 Commandments Part 8 - Thou Shalt Not Steal Pastor Sam Luce speaks on September 4th, 2016. D6523F73-0395-464D-8BA4-971E0992DC8A-89403-00073AAD10644972-FFA Sun, 04 Sep 2016 23:38:19 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on September 4th, 2016. Pastor Sam Luce speaks on September 4th, 2016. 40:48 Pastor Sam Luce no 10 Commandments Part 7 - Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery Pastor Mike Servello speaks on August 28th, 2016. 94EC5B43-03AD-4C11-AC69-D0C6EB18DCCD-89403-00073AA12B537682-FFA Sun, 28 Aug 2016 23:37:13 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on August 28th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello speaks on August 28th, 2016. 52:53 Pastor Mike Servello no 10 Commandments Part 6 - Honor Your Father & Mother Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on August 21st, 2016. EAC6F634-6607-4343-AE1E-F8108F53FA93-8057-0005DFA756B0D174-FFA Sun, 21 Aug 2016 17:10:21 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on August 21st, 2016. Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on August 21st, 2016. 47:27 Pastor Mark Schilling no 10 Commandments Part 5 - Thou Shalt Not Murder Pastor Mike Servello speaks on August 14th, 2016. 8C4107C6-2FCC-4A51-87F6-D617A5292FC8-8057-0005DF991B51C1B4-FFA Sun, 14 Aug 2016 12:41:05 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello speaks on August 14th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello speaks on August 14th, 2016. 46:38 Pastor Mike Servello no 10 Commandments Part 4 - Thou Shalt Not Take The Lord's Name In Vain Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on August 7th, 2016. 19DE0724-6B51-49F1-BF63-6D43AD4BDAD2-8057-0005DF8AAE975865-FFA Sun, 07 Aug 2016 17:07:00 -0400 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on August 7th, 2016. Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on August 7th, 2016. 42:14 Pastor Jim Synakowski no 10 Commandments Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on July 24th, 2016. 26C8982E-0934-43A5-861B-96AA6629EA15-8057-0005DF803DE12C92-FFA Sun, 24 Jul 2016 17:05:56 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on July 24th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on July 24th, 2016. 47:23 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Adoniram Judson Special Pastor Mike Interviews Dr. Gordon Isaac about Adoniram Judson on July 17th, 2016. F311C077-F4E8-4CF6-9700-5FA6B5B1F2FB-4440-000056E2C6B6E7F1-FFA Sun, 17 Jul 2016 14:22:18 -0400 Pastor Mike Interviews Dr. Gordon Isaac about Adoniram Judson on July 17th, 2016. Pastor Mike Interviews Dr. Gordon Isaac about Adoniram Judson on July 17th, 2016. 38:28 Pastor Mike Servello & Dr. Gordon Isaac no 10 Commandments Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on July 10th, 2016. 117AB053-94B9-4CF7-8B0A-D04686B34C72-4440-000056D3D3D4BB5F-FFA Sun, 10 Jul 2016 14:20:22 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on July 10th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on July 10th, 2016. 41:49 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Interview with Pastor Dale Walker Pastor Mike Interviews special guest Pastor Dale Walker on July 3rd, 2016. 2962B6F1-D093-4531-BDE1-0FE530F20775-4440-000056BF5816FF42-FFA Sun, 03 Jul 2016 14:19:24 -0400 Pastor Mike Interviews special guest Pastor Dale Walker on July 3rd, 2016. Pastor Mike Interviews special guest Pastor Dale Walker on July 3rd, 2016. 32:39 Pastor Mike Servello & Pastor Dale Walker no To Serve or Not to Serve Special guest Glen Gardeski speaks on June 26th, 2016. 91B60479-E8F5-4E1E-A672-B3AA2895E7EB-4440-0000569CF988834C-FFA Sun, 26 Jun 2016 14:17:53 -0400 Special guest Glen Gardeski speaks on June 26th, 2016. Special guest Glen Gardeski speaks on June 26th, 2016. 29:43 Glen Gardeski no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 11 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 19th, 2016. 1C0AA4F3-EEE3-4CCB-B88F-E4F30353103F-4440-00005694A01C4FAE-FFA Sun, 19 Jun 2016 14:15:24 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 19th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 19th, 2016. 49:10 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 10 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 12th, 2016. 02844FAA-D137-4F64-9100-6536276BF383-4440-00000417C62BA8CE-FFA Sun, 12 Jun 2016 13:04:00 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 12th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 12th, 2016. 44:25 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 9 Pastor Mike Webster speaks on June 5th, 2016. D7AD8D9A-4CD3-48AC-BD86-74CB416AF1E5-4440-0000040A53CE45A9-FFA Sun, 05 Jun 2016 13:03:21 -0400 Pastor Mike Webster speaks on June 5th, 2016. Pastor Mike Webster speaks on June 5th, 2016. 31:45 Pastor Mike Webster no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 8 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 29th, 2016. 79EE9AA5-1D75-458B-89B0-063F3CB54C6D-4440-000004034DB299CE-FFA Sun, 29 May 2016 13:02:23 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 29th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 29th, 2016. 53:36 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 7 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 22nd, 2016. C92D3832-F7C9-48C8-A7C2-AEE4660F0364-4440-000003F8818C7738-FFA Sun, 22 May 2016 13:01:52 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 22nd, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 22nd, 2016. 46:51 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 6 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on May 15th, 2016. 538FC411-B160-46AC-9AEF-B602D414CC19-4440-000003EE91E525C7-FFA Sun, 15 May 2016 13:01:06 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on May 15th, 2016. Pastor Sam Luce speaks on May 15th, 2016. 43:41 Pastor Sam Luce no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 5 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 8th, 2016. 3A671C2F-8877-476D-827D-41673E46FA4E-4440-000003E6A6E48B85-FFA Sun, 08 May 2016 13:00:24 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 8th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 8th, 2016. 43:59 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 1st, 2016. F8C536F8-68FA-48CC-A960-1B2E6D2FBCA5-34622-000020A3A5648A7B-FFA Sun, 01 May 2016 17:51:49 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 1st, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 1st, 2016. 51:03 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 3 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on April 24th, 2016. 62F67A8B-CE17-4697-9832-9D873D4BDF74-34622-0000209A54AF42AF-FFA Sun, 24 Apr 2016 17:51:14 -0400 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on April 24th, 2016. Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on April 24th, 2016. 50:40 Pastor Jim Synakowski no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 17th, 2016. 54EC84CD-C663-43F7-B252-BDA47B2CB59C-34622-00002092DC5E499A-FFA Sun, 17 Apr 2016 17:50:35 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 17th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 17th, 2016. 55:03 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Stewards of Change - Pastor Danny Bonilla Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks on April 10th, 2016. 2DA523BF-0A95-460B-A346-629C1A2F473D-34622-0000208769F49CEC-FFA Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:50:02 -0400 Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks on April 10th, 2016. Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks on April 10th, 2016. 43:07 Pastor Danny Bonilla no Life in Pieces - Ecclesiastes Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 3rd, 2016. 9DF9EE82-50C1-454A-A8DF-09CADB04513B-34622-0000207A2260E198-FFA Sun, 03 Apr 2016 17:49:14 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 3rd, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 3rd, 2016. 42:54 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Easter at Redeemer - 2016 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 27th, 2016. 68197BB1-C759-44F3-81E9-C8EA6A7F5BB0-15629-0000C9157E21D3FB-FFA Sun, 27 Mar 2016 09:23:32 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 27th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 27th, 2016. 48:58 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Dr. Fred Farrokh - God at work in the Muslim world Dr. Fred Farrokh speaks on March 20th, 2016. 21F532CB-5621-473F-8B54-9E7C235A6B1B-15629-0000C8FADECB2954-FFA Sun, 20 Mar 2016 09:23:48 -0400 Dr. Fred Farrokh speaks on March 20th, 2016. Dr. Fred Farrokh speaks on March 20th, 2016. 48:34 Dr. Fred Farrokh no Let Them Hear - The 7 Churches of Revelation - Part 8 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 13th, 2016. 19278113-E5AE-459F-93EA-455138B9EB6C-15629-0000C8F19087D7E9-FFA Sun, 13 Mar 2016 09:20:55 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 13th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 13th, 2016. 52:07 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Let Them Hear - The 7 Churches of Revelation - Part 7 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 6th, 2016. 7447578C-A1DB-4BCD-877C-6A5179FE4DB0-15629-0000C8E096BDE157-FFA Sun, 06 Mar 2016 09:20:16 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 6th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 6th, 2016. 44:56 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Let Them Hear - The 7 Churches of Revelation - Part 6 Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on February 28th, 2016. 488D19C4-9B4B-4D7F-AE2F-EBDDA765429B-15629-0000C8C8B1192885-FFA Sun, 28 Feb 2016 09:19:03 -0500 Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on February 28th, 2016. Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on February 28th, 2016. 45:01 Pastor Gareth Gilpin no Let Them Hear - The 7 Churches of Revelation - Part 5 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 21st, 2016. 0BA3B046-2F5A-4515-9B7D-BD2740FB34B7-3318-00034D293696D02E-FFA Sun, 21 Feb 2016 11:46:34 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 21st, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 21st, 2016. 47:58 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Let Them Hear - The 7 Churches of Revelation - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 14th, 2016. 18A432B1-CC9F-443B-B5A7-5848774B77C7-53458-00017DC56091A231-FFA Sun, 14 Feb 2016 14:15:24 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 14th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 14th, 2016. 46:58 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Let Them Hear - The 7 Churches of Revelation - Part 3 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on February 7th 2016. F918DD38-48F9-4FDB-A36F-0737B44C2108-53458-00017DBAAF162FC6-FFA Sun, 07 Feb 2016 14:14:44 -0500 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on February 7th 2016. Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on February 7th 2016. 48:26 Pastor Jim Synakowski no Let Them Hear - The 7 Churches of Revelation - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 31st, 2016. E7D7F5AD-CFBB-40F5-A083-BF01F6BD56E4-53458-00017DB22BDBD5B8-FFA Sun, 31 Jan 2016 14:13:57 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 31st, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 31st, 2016. 50:37 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Let Them Hear - The 7 Churches of Revelation - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 24th, 2016. 1723AD69-2533-4A8B-AB6A-1679316DEDAF-28828-00001D5CBA235DD8-FFA Sun, 24 Jan 2016 21:24:44 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 24th, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 24th, 2016. 46:07 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Paul Marshall - Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Special guest Paul Marshall speaks on January 17th, 2016. 10A11C86-2BFA-4163-9A8D-3DCCA363B0B2-28828-00001D4FABCAD996-FFA Sun, 17 Jan 2016 21:23:55 -0500 Special guest Paul Marshall speaks on January 17th, 2016. Special guest Paul Marshall speaks on January 17th, 2016. 44:07 Paul Marshall no Pastor Jude Fouquier Special guest Pastor Jude Fouquier speaks on January 10th, 2016. B5D8FBC0-12BC-40A3-AE58-68FFA2E93859-28828-00001D43DAA5304C-FFA Sun, 10 Jan 2016 21:23:01 -0500 Special guest Pastor Jude Fouquier speaks on January 10th, 2016. Special guest Pastor Jude Fouquier speaks on January 10th, 2016. 57:30 Pastor Jude Fouquier no Prayer & Fasting Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 3rd, 2016. DF698FB0-A00F-4FD3-93E1-BADCC4419BD7-28828-00001D39BCEFBB2B-FFA Sun, 03 Jan 2016 21:22:10 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 3rd, 2016. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 3rd, 2016. 41:51 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Our Continuing Journey Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 27th, 2015. C71CB269-2BC2-4247-A1CF-784036410EC3-28828-00001D308B9E1114-FFA Sun, 27 Dec 2015 21:21:26 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 27th, 2015. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 27th, 2015. 45:54 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Forgotten Nativity - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 20th, 2015. 7F199888-DF70-4E7C-94AB-A318D2989F75-28664-00001C3E34139277-FFA Sun, 20 Dec 2015 21:20:47 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 20th, 2015. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 20th, 2015. 37:07 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Forgotten Nativity - Part 2 - Simeon Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 13th, 2015. E6503514-4711-4D48-970F-58C7703ACFAA-28664-00001C3535A27920-FFA Sun, 13 Dec 2015 21:20:29 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 13th, 2015. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 13th, 2015. 40:18 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Forgotten Nativity - Part 1 - Anna Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 6th, 2015. 06122058-9EDF-4514-A85F-29B9E9E46236-28664-00001C290011390B-FFA Sun, 06 Dec 2015 21:20:17 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 6th, 2015. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 6th, 2015. 47:12 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Thankfulness Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on November 29th, 2015 F1B17CCA-0A09-401C-B9AF-F66A9645C0FD-28664-00001C1E2C6B34D4-FFA Sun, 29 Nov 2015 21:20:04 -0500 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on November 29th, 2015 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on November 29th, 2015 51:36 Pastor Jim Synakowski no Pastor David Hall Guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 15th, 2015 9A1726DE-3609-43E6-A245-0F7213804C1A-53230-0003CB19E85FD803-FFA Sun, 15 Nov 2015 21:19:24 -0500 Guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 15th, 2015 Guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 15th, 2015 47:03 Pastor David Hall no A Theology of Sex - Part 7 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Pastor Sam Luce and Pastor Mark Schilling on November 8th, 2015 59EE6258-59F3-4D5E-9AEA-AB6A60688692-53230-0003CB080E005567-FFA Sun, 08 Nov 2015 18:32:24 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Pastor Sam Luce and Pastor Mark Schilling on November 8th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Pastor Sam Luce and Pastor Mark Schilling on November 8th, 2015 47:03 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no A Theology of Sex - Part 6 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 25th, 2015 51387A2A-35FE-420A-925F-8EE0FBB14CD5-53230-0003CAEB4FF816C7-FFA Sun, 25 Oct 2015 19:29:44 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 25th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 25th, 2015 58:06 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Faith to Conquer the Storms of Life - Pastor Dick Iverson Pastor Dick Iverson speaks on October 18th, 2015 73C84D9C-FEF9-40D5-A3B1-C3EE6951CC24-53230-0003CABC361E592D-FFA Sun, 18 Oct 2015 19:28:59 -0400 Pastor Dick Iverson speaks on October 18th, 2015 Pastor Dick Iverson speaks on October 18th, 2015 39:35 Pastor Dick Iverson no A Theology of Sex - Part 5 Garry Ingraham speaks on October 11th, 2015 9A582E6F-94B9-4015-A3FE-E5139F4E3F0A-53230-0003CAB12FE1576A-FFA Sun, 11 Oct 2015 19:25:40 -0400 Garry Ingraham speaks on October 11th, 2015 Garry Ingraham speaks on October 11th, 2015 48:39 Garry Ingraham no A Theology of Sex - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 4th, 2015 2E14F5D1-C10F-432E-87EB-165439BBED85-53230-0003CAA397DF6B31-FFA Sun, 04 Oct 2015 19:24:54 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 4th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 4th, 2015 52:14 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no A Theology of Sex - Part 3 Pastor Scott Packard speaks on September 27th, 2015 DC40C7C7-5D8D-451B-8FF3-8D82EF991418-53230-0003CA9648931D5D-FFA Sun, 27 Sep 2015 19:23:54 -0400 Pastor Scott Packard speaks on September 27th, 2015 Pastor Scott Packard speaks on September 27th, 2015 38:05 Pastor Scott Packard no A Theology of Sex - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 20th, 2015 007E58AB-E9D7-4171-9E75-511C24D68D10-22949-00004F9D70817B1B-FFA Sun, 20 Sep 2015 17:19:17 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 20th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 20th, 2015 53:59 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no A Theology of Sex - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 13th, 2015 9F41625A-2541-4A2C-91A7-F9B5425DDF65-22949-00004F93321ECB80-FFA Sun, 13 Sep 2015 17:18:43 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 13th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 13th, 2015 41:04 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Passing Faith to the Next Generation Pastor Sam Luce speaks on September 6th, 2015 CEDB0D26-6340-4D24-BACB-67460D80C032-22949-00004F83ABE69358-FFA Sun, 06 Sep 2015 17:19:58 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on September 6th, 2015 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on September 6th, 2015 49:59 Pastor Sam Luce no The Apostles' Creed - Part 20 - The Power of the Word Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 30th, 2015 8C66FDC7-1EEA-4DA6-B23B-254F15E6FD4A-22949-00004F70B821A796-FFA Sun, 30 Aug 2015 17:16:53 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 30th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 30th, 2015 51:50 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 19 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on August 23rd, 2015 10E30006-766D-451A-AD44-90AD806DA52A-22949-00004F63CDE08430-FFA Sun, 23 Aug 2015 17:15:25 -0400 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on August 23rd, 2015 Pastor Jim Synakowski speaks on August 23rd, 2015 51:14 Pastor Jim Synakowski no The Apostles' Creed - Part 18 - The holy catholic church, the communion of saints Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 16th, 2015 D2128BEE-6021-45F2-A264-80BD91AFEA56-22949-00004F53532C082B-FFA Sun, 16 Aug 2015 17:14:35 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 16th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 16th, 2015 52:25 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 17 - The Forgiveness of Sins Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on August 9th, 2015 BC6CE44F-06E4-4AAE-B5C1-B0A49DB82000-94224-00014DC632109887-FFA Sun, 09 Aug 2015 14:34:15 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on August 9th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on August 9th, 2015 36:16 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Abraham & Issac - Pastor Rick Andrew Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on August 2nd, 2015 42C4A647-9B80-45A5-8840-0246FFEC846D-93975-00014D1D561C9345-FFA Sun, 02 Aug 2015 14:21:13 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on August 2nd, 2015 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on August 2nd, 2015 42:52 Pastor Rick Andrew no The Apostles' Creed - Part 16 - The Holy Spirit Mike Usborne speaks on July 19th, 2015 8394EFFD-EAA8-41D5-85EC-94F012441F95-93975-00014D0E44C41465-FFA Sun, 19 Jul 2015 14:19:54 -0400 Mike Usborne speaks on July 19th, 2015 Mike Usborne speaks on July 19th, 2015 36:16 Mike Usborne no The Apostles' Creed - Part 15 - Judgement Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on July 12th, 2015 C53E89FD-E18C-4925-A749-93998ACF9248-93975-00014D02DC222096-FFA Sun, 12 Jul 2015 14:18:51 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on July 12th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on July 12th, 2015 52:46 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Interview with Dr. Gordon Issac about Jan Hus Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Dr. Gordon Issac about Jan Hus on July 5th, 2015. 01D3254A-B6F6-492E-9626-FB27861D8044-68621-000102873F9170F8-FFA Sun, 05 Jul 2015 15:25:51 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Dr. Gordon Issac about Jan Hus on July 5th, 2015. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Dr. Gordon Issac about Jan Hus on July 5th, 2015. 29:37 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. & Dr. Gordon Issac no The Apostles' Creed - Part 14 - Ascension Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 28th, 2015 941CE980-BC2B-4AA2-B669-225FE9E7428E-68621-0001027B2069EEB6-FFA Sun, 28 Jun 2015 15:12:30 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 28th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 28th, 2015 43:03 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 13 - Suffering Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 14th, 2015 87D87111-EEBE-482E-BB1E-A478A48F6E81-68621-0001026A4301FD12-FFA Sun, 14 Jun 2015 15:11:39 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 14th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 14th, 2015 53:17 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 12 - Jesus Christ Crucified Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 7th, 2015 018CEBCC-51D7-42A7-8099-95C3B82B9B20-19677-00003AD2063FAC41-FFA Sun, 07 Jun 2015 15:58:59 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 7th, 2015 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 7th, 2015 46:12 Pastor Sam Luce no The Apostles' Creed - Part 11 - Christ's Humanity Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 31st, 2015 A68F66D0-C1C3-4606-8247-4B0E8177DFC0-19677-00003AC5745BCCD2-FFA Sun, 31 May 2015 15:57:39 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 31st, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 31st, 2015 49:45 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 10 - I Believe Jesus is Lord Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on May 24th, 2015 A7DC2AA0-330F-473C-B69E-2926F9FCAA67-794-0000008E5E2955BD-FFA Sun, 24 May 2015 15:44:26 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on May 24th, 2015 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on May 24th, 2015 45:06 Pastor Mark Schilling no The Apostles' Creed - Part 9 - I Believe In Jesus Christ Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 17th, 2015 48FA1824-D3FF-45CD-B7EC-1AF8A1551657-794-0000007E17F6ECD9-FFA Sun, 17 May 2015 15:43:00 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 17th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 17th, 2015 54:27 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 8 - I Believe In Jesus Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 10th, 2015 1C1DCD59-4AB6-4F7A-8115-1E391C8F938C-9162-0000195B84552894-FFA Sun, 10 May 2015 15:42:36 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 10th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 10th, 2015 45:17 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 7 - I Believe In Jesus Mike Webster speaks on May 3rd, 2015 1A050A87-03B0-41C3-9554-655445DECDF5-9162-000019487A9E626A-FFA Sun, 03 May 2015 15:16:27 -0400 Mike Webster speaks on May 3rd, 2015 Mike Webster speaks on May 3rd, 2015 40:50 Mike Webster no The Law of Love Pastor Sam Luce speaks on April 26th, 2015 F2BFD503-0E2B-4732-982E-C4CD967A9AB5-49582-00018EA437E39D84-FFA Sun, 26 Apr 2015 13:32:32 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on April 26th, 2015 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on April 26th, 2015 41:22 Pastor Sam Luce no The Apostles' Creed - Part 6 - God Almighty Jim Synakowski speaks on April 19th, 2015 0B31AA68-8DE7-4AA5-A422-CB777CD3228D-49582-00018E93CEDCD6A0-FFA Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:03:22 -0400 Jim Synakowski speaks on April 19th, 2015 Jim Synakowski speaks on April 19th, 2015 49:59 Jim Synakowski no The Apostles' Creed - Part 5 - God the Father Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 12th, 2015 A9EC620F-C485-43DB-8461-DBEB2C8E277B-49582-00018E8769981A7B-FFA Sun, 12 Apr 2015 16:02:12 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 12th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 12th, 2015 43:48 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 4 - The Resurrection Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 5th, 2015 6F122D68-9D8B-4875-8475-746ACBFCA59E-49582-00018E6F9A3CB6DE-FFA Sun, 05 Apr 2015 16:01:18 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 5th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 5th, 2015 39:40 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 3 - The Trinity Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 29th, 2015 F030EB73-D98E-46C9-95AB-CC86E32634C8-49582-00018E62ACFFAA75-FFA Sun, 29 Mar 2015 14:59:34 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 29th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 29th, 2015 46:34 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 15th, 2015 424560A8-53AB-4888-BFED-176529A84572-10095-00001D944C394DA4-FFA Sun, 15 Mar 2015 17:09:32 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 15th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 15th, 2015 49:52 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Apostles' Creed - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 8th, 2015 9EB118AF-C71C-4D71-A46F-E10F44DD304C-62412-0000E50772E1A426-FFA Sun, 08 Mar 2015 16:36:54 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 8th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 8th, 2015 46:18 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Giving Part 3 - A Generous People Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on March 1st, 2015 1CABBBFC-05A4-4AEF-AFA8-B6452172FE64-62412-0000E48D75D5AE94-FFA Sun, 01 Mar 2015 16:35:51 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on March 1st, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on March 1st, 2015 45:56 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Giving Part 2 - Stories Pastor Josh Lange interviews a few members of Redeemer about their journeys of giving. February 22nd, 2015 1285414E-B8CF-4EDE-B276-A68B2E2B0962-10459-00002F6DE23D51B8-FFA Sun, 22 Mar 2015 17:10:21 -0400 Pastor Josh Lange interviews a few members of Redeemer about their journeys of giving. February 22nd, 2015 Pastor Josh Lange interviews a few members of Redeemer about their journeys of giving. February 22nd, 2015 42:13 Pastor Josh Lange & Team no Giving Part 1 - Supporting The Local Church Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 15th, 2015 426042EE-87E5-4DDB-B72B-2741560669EA-10459-000029E0B85C703F-FFA Sun, 15 Feb 2015 13:44:22 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 15th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 15th, 2015 46:24 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pursue Me - Part 6 Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on February 8th, 2015 03AD88CF-6FE6-467D-99F8-C355E93476EA-58740-0000DABD25240D3E-FFA Sun, 08 Feb 2015 15:04:34 -0500 Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on February 8th, 2015 Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on February 8th, 2015 48:14 Pastor Gareth Gilpin no Pursue Me - Part 5 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 1st, 2015 63428894-25E3-4F32-ACE5-44743D469F26-58740-0000DAB0B8778DC3-FFA Sun, 01 Feb 2015 15:03:39 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 1st, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 1st, 2015 50:32 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pursue Me - Part 4 - The Lord's Prayer Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 25th, 2015 FBB635A4-A4FE-4538-9048-6409F3E85184-58740-0000DA982A07F07F-FFA Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:02:45 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 25th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 25th, 2015 47:49 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pursue Me - Part 3 - Steve & Rita Fedele Special guests Steve & Rita Fedele. speaks on January 18th, 2015 08484052-CE0F-4F54-91F1-DF7955D29614-58740-0000DA84ED33E2C7-FFA Sun, 18 Jan 2015 15:05:50 -0500 Special guests Steve & Rita Fedele speak on January 18th, 2015 Special guests Steve & Rita Fedele speak on January 18th, 2015 47:10 Steve Fedele no Pursue Me - Part 2 - Prayer Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 11th, 2015 A1C357DF-C8AF-4F7D-9DE6-3825EDD2B8E5-58740-0000DA6360BE3C3F-FFA Sun, 11 Jan 2015 14:57:14 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 11th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 11th, 2015 43:01 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pursue Me - Part 1 - Fasting Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 4th, 2015 948CF31E-DF18-4BC2-BE16-965596C74430-58740-0000DA4393C82E47-FFA Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:59:29 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 4th, 2015 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 4th, 2015 42:00 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Year In Review Pastor Sam Luce & Guests speak on December 28th, 2014. 844DFFC4-BA86-4781-AE64-019E921D5182-58628-0000D9BC429150FE-FFA Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:47:29 -0500 Pastor Sam Luce & Guests speak on December 28th, 2014. Pastor Sam Luce & Guests speak on December 28th, 2014. 59:07 Pastor Sam Luce no Christmas 2014 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 21st, 2014. 9E76FAFD-6B9B-4867-8BF0-B335378DEE4B-58628-0000D9B2C98ED175-FFA Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:45:14 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 21st, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 21st, 2014. 33:30 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Message of Christmas - Pastor Mike Servello Sr. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 14th, 2014. A45AE1D1-B82A-46EF-ADA5-08B21EF9E957-58628-0000D9A4498E9D93-FFA Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:44:34 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 14th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on December 14th, 2014. 39:30 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 10 - River Jordan Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 7th, 2014. 27411A43-FB24-4D23-8297-7811F7DB3806-71134-0001E8F5F82D8EB1-FFA Sun, 07 Dec 2014 20:27:35 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 7th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 7th, 2014. 52:26 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 9 - Delectable Mountains Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 30th, 2014. 1CAB5121-4018-4DE9-BF4B-2FEDAFF45CE1-71134-0001E8DF658AEDA6-FFA Sun, 30 Nov 2014 20:26:43 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 30th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 30th, 2014. 40:56 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 8 - The Enchanted Ground Pastor Sam Luce speaks on November 23rd, 2014. E11A24CC-0A5C-46B9-871D-4F962C2D18AF-71134-0001E8CB7FF81E07-FFA Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:30:49 -0500 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on November 23rd, 2014. Pastor Sam Luce speaks on November 23rd, 2014. 53:46 Pastor Sam Luce no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 7 - Giant of Despair Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about despair on November 16th, 2014. 1CD0850A-6449-4FCD-984A-91827508F1DC-71134-0001E8B932780749-FFA Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:22:32 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about despair on November 16th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about despair on November 16th, 2014. 41:34 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Scott Klusendorf Guest speaker Scott Klusendorf speaks on November 9th, 2014. 6E3C72D2-5E2E-4663-9FCE-B83CA9F29BD3-71134-0001E8A6BA247FCD-FFA Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:21:13 -0500 Guest speaker Scott Klusendorf speaks on November 9th, 2014. Guest speaker Scott Klusendorf speaks on November 9th, 2014. 40:53 Scott Klusendorf no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 6 - Relationships Jim Synakowski speaks on November 2nd, 2014. B59A49D8-1CA6-482C-AD89-A53AE001C831-71134-0001E891E277BC96-FFA Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:19:52 -0500 Jim Synakowski speaks on November 2nd, 2014. Jim Synakowski speaks on November 2nd, 2014. 39:05 Jim Synakowski no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 5 - Apollyon Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about spiritual warfare on October 26th, 2014. D9A980EF-B8DA-45F0-8787-902AFAAE004A-73094-0002EBE6A8BD3D18-FFA Sun, 26 Oct 2014 14:19:34 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about spiritual warfare on October 26th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about spiritual warfare on October 26th, 2014. 58:22 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 4 - Interpreter's House Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about the Holy Spirit on October 19th, 2014. 48006A07-79AE-495B-99B6-229A7E5FFAAA-73094-0002EBDBC5B83E46-FFA Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:19:48 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about the Holy Spirit on October 19th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks about the Holy Spirit on October 19th, 2014. 41:43 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 3 - The Narrow Gate Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on October 12th, 2014. 7230B2EE-C1EF-48FE-A65B-1449F4F2ACBC-73094-0002EBD16ABF1971-FFA Sun, 12 Oct 2014 14:18:10 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on October 12th, 2014. Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on October 12th, 2014. 47:09 Pastor Mark Schilling no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 5th, 2014. D59779F6-C0D4-432D-B51B-7FC4BFC9D794-95345-00010A721BA5BFAB-FFA Sun, 05 Oct 2014 16:02:56 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 5th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 5th, 2014. 50:27 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pilgrim's Progress - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Pastor Mike Servello Sr. on September 28th, 2014. 10A9D0C8-6A44-454A-B9B0-569D27C59470-95345-00010A60BA8E32EA-FFA Sun, 28 Sep 2014 16:01:57 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Pastor Mike Servello Sr. on September 28th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. interviews Pastor Mike Servello Sr. on September 28th, 2014. 39:49 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no The Gospel - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 21st, 2014. 7067D9C0-AA1E-4CEE-B581-CDA9F3D01BF0-95345-00010A5454751ACA-FFA Sun, 21 Sep 2014 16:00:37 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 21st, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 21st, 2014. 47:08 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pastor Rick Shelton Pastor Rick Shelton speaks on September 7th, 2014. 388DC017-62B0-49E9-A640-ACCF30CA1E10-95345-00010A46182C8E82-FFA Wed, 15 Oct 2014 16:03:35 -0400 Guest speaker Pastor Rick Shelton speaks on September 14th, 2014. Guest speaker Pastor Rick Shelton speaks on September 14th, 2014. 36:29 Pastor Rick Shelton no The Gospel - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 7th, 2014. F4281B0A-EF84-46AF-AEE4-C8001484B993-85080-00020C73050C9FB9-FFA Sun, 07 Sep 2014 11:43:46 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 7th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 7th, 2014. 51:13 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Gospel - Part 2 Jim Synakowski speaks on August 31st, 2014. 278F561E-8C65-46D8-A32E-F742B1396CF4-85080-00020C696B17569F-FFA Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:42:54 -0400 Jim Synakowski speaks on August 31st, 2014. Jim Synakowski speaks on August 31st, 2014. 58:12 Jim Synakowski no The Gospel - Part 1 Guest speaker Pastor Charlie Dunn speaks on August 24th, 2014. 01BB8C4F-8F3C-4201-AE14-99D905FA589E-85080-00020C5B9C895499-FFA Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:42:13 -0400 Guest speaker Pastor Charlie Dunn speaks on August 24th, 2014. Guest speaker Pastor Charlie Dunn speaks on August 24th, 2014. 41:11 Pastor Charlie Dunn no Pastor Rick Sendoff Pastor Mike Servello Jr. & Pastor Rick Andrew speak on August 17th, 2014. AAF8E411-1DCE-4A5D-80D2-2E9630AC7012-85080-00020C3FFB8E593D-FFA Sun, 17 Aug 2014 11:41:13 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. & Pastor Rick Andrew speak on August 17th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. & Pastor Rick Andrew speak on August 17th, 2014. 1:01:20 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. & Pastor Rick Andrew no Extraordinary! - Pastor Mike Servello Sr. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on August 10th, 2014. 124112FC-DDAF-40BE-85B4-6D556C294958-85080-00020C2FA666ADCC-FFA Sun, 10 Aug 2014 11:39:15 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on August 10th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on August 10th, 2014. 45:53 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Nehemiah - Part 18 - Conclusion Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 3rd, 2014. 41CCFF54-88FF-4A9D-BCED-CEB0EBD6530F-80678-0001329B504C6F02-FFA Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:07:04 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 3rd, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 3rd, 2014. 45:39 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Nehemiah - Part 17 - Chapter 13 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on July 27th, 2014. 8BE88965-F76C-4816-BC78-08AB8E9C044E-80678-0001328A21BD6BD4-FFA Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:07:00 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on July 27th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on July 27th, 2014. 51:09 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no When Things Don't Go As Planned Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on July 20th, 2014. 59C59392-C65B-4EB2-9584-82B271FF5746-80678-0001327F96B4BF96-FFA Sun, 20 Jul 2014 16:03:39 -0400 Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on July 20th, 2014. Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on July 20th, 2014. 45:53 Pastor Gareth Gilpin no Nehemiah - Part 16 Jim Synakowski speaks on July 13th, 2014. 08DDF7E6-E417-4448-B618-A46C069ACBA6-80678-000132704937FC60-FFA Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:02:18 -0400 Jim Synakowski speaks on July 13th, 2014. Jim Synakowski speaks on July 13th, 2014. 49:21 Jim Synakowski no Pray Patriots! Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on July 6th, 2014. 8B01DB61-0445-49C9-9093-1F46A0926B85-44533-0000846EE7E311AA-FFA Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:21:14 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on July 6th, 2014. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on July 6th, 2014. 19:08 Pastor Rick Andrew no Nehemiah - Part 15 - Repopulating Jerusalem Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on June 29th, 2014. 2775E50A-EE6B-4A91-9065-59F456FE3B08-44533-00008460A8A4392D-FFA Sun, 29 Jun 2014 14:19:24 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on June 29th, 2014. Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on June 29th, 2014. 44:13 Pastor Mark Schilling no Nehemiah - Part 14 - Intermarriage Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 22nd, 2014. 6146915F-B8D6-4AFC-9B05-69DA21681BB8-44533-00008456E6D858E1-FFA Sun, 22 Jun 2014 14:18:19 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 22nd, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 22nd, 2014. 46:43 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Nehemiah - Part 13 - Our Responsibility To The Poor Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on June 15th, 2014. 770C4907-4415-4EA9-958A-CDE720EFDB54-44533-00008449A0527B76-FFA Sun, 15 Jun 2014 14:17:32 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on June 15th, 2014. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on June 15th, 2014. 33:25 Pastor Rick Andrew no Nehemiah - Part 12 - Honoring The House of God Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 8th, 2014. F86F08F9-05E8-4FC7-A3EF-EF6D25A4DB21-44533-0000842ABE388587-FFA Sun, 08 Jun 2014 23:09:19 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 8th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 8th, 2014. 51:35 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Nehemiah - Part 11 - Sabbath Rest Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on June 1st, 2014. 490800FA-3744-4338-B5DE-C82595ACF9B4-44533-0000841EBF704A4B-FFA Sun, 01 Jun 2014 14:14:32 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on June 1st, 2014. Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on June 1st, 2014. 39:22 Pastor Mark Schilling no Nehemiah - Part 10 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 25th, 2014. FE08087A-942C-4B4A-BFCE-3B1285BF7EC9-44533-0000840BDDF0CEDE-FFA Sun, 25 May 2014 14:13:28 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 25th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 25th, 2014. 39:48 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Emmanuel Cannistraci Guest speaker Emmanuel Cannistraci speaks on May 18th, 2014. 41EB5982-ECA6-448A-9461-9DC98B88B2E7-66222-0000AA39EE808B0E-FFA Sun, 18 May 2014 17:00:22 -0400 Guest speaker Emmanuel Cannistraci speaks on May 18th, 2014. Guest speaker Emmanuel Cannistraci speaks on May 18th, 2014. 1:19:05 Emmanuel Cannistraci no Our Journey - Pastor Mike Servello Sr. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on May 11th, 2014. 27F22E99-F3BE-4F19-AADD-D0B3E1C72654-6001-00001031596C2487-FFA Sun, 11 May 2014 17:57:08 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on May 11th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. speaks on May 11th, 2014. 41:20 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Nehemiah - Part 9 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 4th, 2014. F34F59F8-8B06-4FAD-B771-F6EF6EBCFC44-6001-0000101E963526DF-FFA Sun, 04 May 2014 17:56:09 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 4th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 4th, 2014. 50:36 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Nehemiah - Part 8 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on April 27th, 2014. DC9716ED-5991-403C-9277-1263E149585F-6001-00001013DC3FCB7E-FFA Sun, 27 Apr 2014 17:54:44 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on April 27th, 2014. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on April 27th, 2014. 48:27 Pastor Rick Andrew no Easter 2014 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 20th, 2014. 9D5AD65A-F78E-4E91-A7A6-40D6B39CDE06-6001-00000FFD9D5C4FA1-FFA Sun, 20 Apr 2014 17:53:54 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 20th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 20th, 2014. 48:39 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Nehemiah - Part 7 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 13th, 2014. E007CA99-4F82-4045-8440-B9ECAC2AA53A-6001-00000FF3D83F8C16-FFA Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:52:31 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 13th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 13th, 2014. 49:42 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Nehemiah - Part 6 Jim Synakowski speaks on April 6th, 2014. 2AC55E0F-42A7-4CC9-B393-B693FCE7A406-32982-00028B22F176D784-FFA Sun, 06 Apr 2014 17:09:41 -0400 Jim Synakowski speaks on April 6th, 2014. Jim Synakowski speaks on April 6th, 2014. 44:24 Jim Synakowski no Nehemiah - Part 5 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 30th, 2014. AE04ABF9-C493-443E-AA32-33E251FCD8DE-32982-00028B1A1ED60511-FFA Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:08:53 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 30th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 30th, 2014. 50:57 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Nehemiah - Part 4 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on March 23rd, 2014. 5170711C-1199-4FC9-BD2C-DD9AC5CDB833-32982-00028AE5D769D817-FFA Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:07:46 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on March 23rd, 2014. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on March 23rd, 2014. 46:27 Pastor Rick Andrew no Nehemiah - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 16th, 2014. 7DD9E3C3-F4B9-4D7C-A71B-128ED000C33A-32982-00028AD04FDE4F8E-FFA Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:08:01 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 16th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 16th, 2014. 53:00 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Nehemiah - Part 2 Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on March 9th, 2014. 154639C8-0F60-48FB-9895-91D46E2A7995-32982-00028AC71C0BA1EA-FFA Sun, 09 Mar 2014 17:04:09 -0400 Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on March 9th, 2014. Pastor Gareth Gilpin speaks on March 9th, 2014. 53:14 Pastor Gareth Gilpin no Nehemiah - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 2nd, 2014. 98CB6A0F-0A22-41A2-8DAF-D8C247115A3B-73776-0001426E687BE71F-FFA Sun, 02 Mar 2014 19:56:25 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 2nd, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on March 2nd, 2014. 50:40 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Evangelism - Part 4 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on February 23rd, 2014. 975E834D-9F44-4279-A4E1-CB07FDEFD727-73776-00014263F4D643C6-FFA Sun, 23 Feb 2014 18:55:28 -0500 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on February 23rd, 2014. Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on February 23rd, 2014. 48:39 Pastor Mark Schilling no Evangelism - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 16th, 2014. 10F4C22D-B9F0-46A9-935D-57E8F9AECFA7-73776-00014248551B03C4-FFA Sun, 16 Feb 2014 18:54:41 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 16th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 16th, 2014. 46:06 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Evangelism - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 9th, 2014. C9BF3A2B-3542-4072-A515-F66175E16627-73776-0001423DAD934820-FFA Sun, 09 Feb 2014 19:52:42 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 9th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on February 9th, 2014. 48:27 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Evangelism - Part 1 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on February 2nd, 2014. 908F52AE-6B1A-4F15-9FF1-EDD64B6EDB8B-73776-0001423133FD5B6F-FFA Sun, 02 Feb 2014 18:51:57 -0500 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on February 2nd, 2014. Pastor Sam Luce speaks on February 2nd, 2014. 47:31 Pastor Sam Luce no Encouragement Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 26th, 2014. 60F44FFC-F357-46AD-838B-9EBB9A002230-73776-000142260086E7A5-FFA Sun, 26 Jan 2014 18:51:04 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 26th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 26th, 2014. 46:02 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Steve Fedele Guest speaker, Pastor Steve Fedele speaks on January 19th, 2014. 5CB98232-C7DB-48B7-830A-EE27FE826317-73776-000142156B7E1BC9-FFA Sun, 19 Jan 2014 18:50:13 -0500 Guest speaker, Pastor Steve Fedele speaks on January 19th, 2014. Guest speaker, Pastor Steve Fedele speaks on January 19th, 2014. 25:20 Pastor Steve Fedele no Prayer & Fasting - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 12th, 2014. 21F03E91-D681-4F89-8FEA-752D104E9ACF-73776-0001420B073C6138-FFA Sun, 12 Jan 2014 18:49:02 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 12th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 12th, 2014. 47:19 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Prayer & Fasting - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 5th, 2014. 8F80C864-2377-414E-B817-6E27288BA352-60766-0001CAD05F43B36D-FFA Sun, 05 Jan 2014 14:55:16 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 5th, 2014. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on January 5th, 2014. 45:41 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no 2013 - Year In Review Pastor Sam Luce speaks on December 29th, 2013. 9F1916F5-E124-422B-AEF8-74406F078C4C-60766-0001CAC650C65198-FFA Sun, 29 Dec 2013 14:53:51 -0500 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on December 29th, 2013. Pastor Sam Luce speaks on December 29th, 2013. 39:31 Pastor Sam Luce no This Is Christmas - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 22nd, 2013. 7DB1DA51-FEEA-4508-864C-2BF997D33BA6-60766-0001CAB8420B2DF5-FFA Sun, 22 Dec 2013 14:52:42 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 22nd, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 22nd, 2013. 31:51 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no This Is Christmas - Part 3 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on December 15th, 2013. 0E64DF0A-F420-45BF-8E95-A36FBB161FE6-60766-0001CAACEECA8D01-FFA Sun, 15 Dec 2013 14:51:41 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on December 15th, 2013. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on December 15th, 2013. 40:46 Pastor Rick Andrew no This Is Christmas - Part 2 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on December 8th, 2013. 5B44887F-450C-4831-804A-7A03F06FD0E8-60766-0001CAA18DAFF45C-FFA Sun, 08 Dec 2013 14:50:54 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on December 8th, 2013. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on December 8th, 2013. 44:07 Pastor Rick Andrew no This Is Christmas - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 1st, 2013. 2F9981D9-438F-4ABD-A9F0-FFE30A29C290-60766-0001CA9359ABB0CF-FFA Sun, 01 Dec 2013 14:50:01 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 1st, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on December 1st, 2013. 49:56 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Les Miserables - Part 9 - Consummation Jim Synakowski speaks on November 24th, 2013. 2A0A1987-AC15-4305-8D6E-47500982E911-50206-000147289B44E67F-FFA Sun, 24 Nov 2013 15:51:52 -0500 Jim Synakowski speaks on November 24th, 2013. Jim Synakowski speaks on November 24th, 2013. 49:05 Jim Synakowski no Les Miserables - Part 8 - Love Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 17th, 2013. 66C577F6-D9B6-45C5-8501-6B0E2B84BC17-50206-0001471D713FF7F7-FFA Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:51:03 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 17th, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 17th, 2013. 50:46 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no David Hall Guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 10th, 2013 53DB46D1-64C4-49AA-B9DA-F40B4462404B-12624-0000389E13E7421C-FFA Sun, 10 Nov 2013 13:01:38 -0500 Guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 10th, 2013 Guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 10th, 2013 35:44 David Hall no Les Miserables - Part 7 - Forgiveness Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 3rd, 2013. 690DF8FD-92AD-4AA0-9DF9-490C6A47347B-12624-0000388ED32AB577-FFA Sun, 03 Nov 2013 13:51:43 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 3rd, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on November 3rd, 2013. 54:38 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Les Miserables - Part 6 - Disappointment Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on October 27th, 2013. 343378F8-C33A-4C4C-A21C-4A1AD6F2E2D3-12624-00003869234FE1D6-FFA Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:59:31 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on October 27th, 2013. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on October 27th, 2013. 47:24 Pastor Rick Andrew no Les Miserables - Part 5 - Faith & Works Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 20th, 2013. 61F7648E-822D-4538-A9AA-6CB1E13E0DC8-12624-0000385C5D8ABBAE-FFA Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:56:47 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 20th, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 20th, 2013. 42:27 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Les Miserables - Part 4 - Regeneration Jim Synakowski speaks on October 13th, 2013. C9D3338A-397B-4E0D-83FA-D7F9FEA2C506-12624-0000383FE91CA3F5-FFA Sun, 13 Oct 2013 13:55:48 -0400 Jim Synakowski speaks on October 13th, 2013. Jim Synakowski speaks on October 13th, 2013. 45:35 Jim Synakowski no Les Miserables - Part 3 - Repentance Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 6th, 2013. 261EA9BF-CD60-4E27-B0EA-C92B61D5B3ED-12624-0000383B25E82D70-FFA Sun, 06 Oct 2013 14:45:20 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 6th, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on October 6th, 2013. 47:04 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Les Miserables - Part 2 - Grace Paul Dunk speaks on September 29th, 2013. 04496E60-8312-462F-899C-1AEB36026826-65586-00017D46BDF8A881-FFA Sun, 29 Sep 2013 13:12:57 -0400 Paul Dunk speaks on September 29th, 2013. Paul Dunk speaks on September 29th, 2013. 46:53 Paul Dunk no Les Miserables - Part 1 - Sin & Law Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 22nd, 2013. BD275087-5905-4096-8F77-10F63B061AA2-65586-00017D39BAA23A0A-FFA Sun, 22 Sep 2013 13:12:15 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 22nd, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 22nd, 2013. 43:55 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Serving & Communtiy Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 15th, 2013. 9914DA9E-CDF6-4D29-9C5C-1C1032A056A8-65586-00017D2C8D98F286-FFA Sun, 15 Sep 2013 13:11:16 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 15th, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 15th, 2013. 37:53 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Bill Worden - A Heart Of Wisdom Bill Worden speaks on September 8th, 2013. E6C50B57-DC67-4680-AC92-6A4923E78B68-65586-00017D00AF657B24-FFA Sun, 08 Sep 2013 13:10:19 -0400 Bill Worden speaks on September 8th, 2013. Bill Worden speaks on September 8th, 2013. 26:36 Bill Worden no God Is - Part 8 - Conclusion Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 1st, 2013. B07580F5-24D9-4BC9-8858-D0242765A7FE-65586-00017CF4AB0F197F-FFA Sun, 01 Sep 2013 13:09:32 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 1st, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on September 1st, 2013. 47:10 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no God Is - Part 7 - Omniscience Jim Synakowski speaks on August 25th, 2013. 8632AA16-6537-4B90-BBBA-69EAEF61D6C3-13061-00004C59210FE0EA-FFA Sun, 25 Aug 2013 13:08:59 -0400 Jim Synakowski speaks on August 25th, 2013. Jim Synakowski speaks on August 25th, 2013. 50:45 Jim Synakowski no God Is - Part 6 - Glorious Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on August 18th, 2013. EC2D5768-E993-443B-9C8E-BC16F40B6FCF-13061-00004C4D8B13A788-FFA Sun, 18 Aug 2013 14:39:28 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on August 18th, 2013. Pastor Mark Schilling speaks on August 18th, 2013. 39:30 Pastor Mark Schilling no God Is - Part 5 - Omnipotent Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on August 11th, 2013. A3D1120D-537A-41A8-93C9-89814A3B486E-13061-00004C3F958155BB-FFA Sun, 11 Aug 2013 14:38:38 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on August 11th, 2013. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on August 11th, 2013. 47:37 Pastor Rick Andrew no God Is - Part 4 - Omnipresence Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 4th, 2013. 8B45C641-476B-4865-80F8-341DECF8AB6B-13061-00004C2FF3C2113A-FFA Sun, 04 Aug 2013 14:37:38 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 4th, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on August 4th, 2013. 41:24 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no God Is - Part 3 - Immutability Jim Synakowski speaks on July 28th, 2013. 829C5216-54E5-4E2A-89B2-8A4855DED45E-2293-00000C1E926BC56C-FFA Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:42:49 -0400 Jim Synakowski speaks on July 28th, 2013. Jim Synakowski speaks on July 28th, 2013. 48:42 Jim Synakowski no God Is - Part 2 - Sovereignty Pastor Sam Luce speaks on July 21st, 2013. A2B1A035-3225-4AED-A199-7D2B13FA67EF-2293-00000C115AFC6156-FFA Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:42:41 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on July 21st, 2013. Pastor Sam Luce speaks on July 21st, 2013. 41:49 Pastor Sam Luce no God Is - Part 1 - Who Are You God? Jim Synakowski speaks on July 14th, 2013. 0B7E0740-EEA3-45CF-91F7-3C383BE70179-2293-00000BEA5F80AD24-FFA Sun, 14 Jul 2013 18:42:31 -0400 Jim Synakowski speaks on July 14th, 2013. Jim Synakowski speaks on July 14th, 2013. 51:43 Jim Synakowski no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 11 - Conclusion Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 30th, 2013. 062C42D4-C269-4F2B-8006-66F8A2EB8F79-81074-00021B530CD0DD43-FFA Sun, 30 Jun 2013 15:50:06 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 30th, 2013. Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 30th, 2013. 37:46 Pastor Sam Luce no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 10 - Pop Spirituality Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 23rd, 2013. 8B9AD837-1DF1-4E49-B656-C6F1CE2DDD17-81074-00021B454C99A017-FFA Sun, 23 Jun 2013 15:49:21 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 23rd, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 23rd, 2013. 43:17 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Father's Day 2013 Dave Nicolette speaks on June 16th, 2013. 7C530AFC-0F8A-4C3F-B07B-A08C11392F65-81074-00021B38749B94D6-FFA Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:48:23 -0400 Dave Nicolette speaks on June 16th, 2013. Dave Nicolette speaks on June 16th, 2013. 43:39 Dave Nicolette no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 9 - Raising Gospel Centered Kids Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 9th, 2013. 2C2AE502-C0C7-4C77-ABC4-F8566F634294-81074-00021B2BE20B258E-FFA Sun, 09 Jun 2013 15:47:27 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 9th, 2013. Pastor Sam Luce speaks on June 9th, 2013. 40:23 Pastor Sam Luce no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 8 - Culture Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 2nd, 2013. DE290497-F2F0-40DB-BC46-112243901B5F-5916-00001258D12295D7-FFA Sun, 02 Jun 2013 17:56:49 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 2nd, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on June 2nd, 2013. 50:55 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 7 - Pornography Pastor Sam Luce interviews Scott & Yvette Packard on May 26th, 2013. 06236E8A-5F9C-41A7-B8A1-A08C4F01F80C-5916-0000123FF23AEB3A-FFA Sun, 26 May 2013 17:54:39 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce interviews Scott & Yvette Packard on May 26th, 2013. Pastor Sam Luce interviews Scott & Yvette Packard on May 26th, 2013. 41:57 Pastor Sam Luce, Scott & Yvette Packard no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 6 - Q&A Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 19th, 2013. 27F88CB5-0480-4D07-8244-A718AC35155D-79987-0001CF0DC5123A46-FFA Sun, 19 May 2013 23:27:51 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 19th, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on May 19th, 2013. 49:55 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Mother's Day 2013 Pastor Sam Luce interviews Melissa Servello & Sandra Luce for Mother's Day, May 12th, 2013. 2E3C595C-18F2-48A4-8737-370E93E35C70-45849-00010F9A842E17C4-FFA Sun, 12 May 2013 10:21:51 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce interviews Melissa Servello & Sandra Luce for Mother's Day, May 12th, 2013. Pastor Sam Luce interviews Melissa Servello & Sandra Luce for Mother's Day, May 12th, 2013. 35:46 Pastor Sam Luce, Melissa Servello, Sandra Luce no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 5 - Homosexuality Guest speaker Stephen Black speaks on May 5th, 2013. 847FC7AF-59CD-46C2-B97B-25F98BF1807C-5147-00002D251B25FAF0-FFA Sun, 05 May 2013 11:27:15 -0400 Guest speaker Stephen Black speaks on May 5th, 2013. Guest speaker Stephen Black speaks on May 5th, 2013. 41:00 Stephen Black no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 4 - Sexuality Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 28th, 2013. D14E6D82-E2A9-4597-859E-97BAD899DFDA-5147-00002D181BA50839-FFA Sun, 28 Apr 2013 11:26:56 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 28th, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 28th, 2013. 41:24 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 3 - Abortion Guest Speaker Scott Klusendorf speaks on April 21st, 2013. B6C700B4-AF1D-4268-BDEE-1841C134E13D-11953-0000513638360B42-FFA Sun, 21 Apr 2013 20:26:01 -0400 Guest Speaker Scott Klusendorf speaks on April 21st, 2013. Guest Speaker Scott Klusendorf speaks on April 21st, 2013. 42:53 Scott Klusendorf no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 2 - Coexist Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on April 14th, 2013. 6177ED28-B0FF-47F8-AECE-53CDB27560F6-11953-00005127274800F4-FFA Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:24:37 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on April 14th, 2013. Pastor Rick Andrew speaks on April 14th, 2013. 47:41 Pastor Rick Andrew no Bumper Sticker Issues Part 1 - Tolerance Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 7th, 2013. 60CC35DF-720E-4348-9773-76E4EBE8410E-11953-0000511455E4536D-FFA Sun, 07 Apr 2013 20:23:32 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 7th, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on April 7th, 2013. 49:52 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Easter 2013 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on Easter, March 31st, 2013. CE7E7D07-5B61-4D1F-A05C-F38526694F7C-11953-00005104CF750AA9-FFA Sun, 31 Mar 2013 20:22:11 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on Easter, March 31st, 2013. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks on Easter, March 31st, 2013. 33:02 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Origins Part 11 - Evangelism Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 24th, 2013 C487B2E4-D25A-4A50-B319-FFF1835916D6-16330-00008297471BAE92-FFA Sun, 24 Mar 2013 11:30:16 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 24th, 2013 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 24th, 2013 48:25 Pastor Rick Andrew no Origins Part 10 - Favor Pastor Mike Servello jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 17th, 2013 38451305-F85E-4F08-B899-A2CF4E4F2D76-11953-000050F9F8B1FA48-FFA Sun, 17 Mar 2013 20:21:03 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 17th, 2013 Pastor Mike Servello jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 17th, 2013 48:07 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Origins Part 8 - Miracles Pastor Mike Servello jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 3rd, 2013 FDB934CC-5D43-476E-B5E0-DCC885727A00-11953-000050EF6DE3D6CA-FFA Sun, 03 Mar 2013 20:20:18 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 3rd, 2013 Pastor Mike Servello jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on March 3rd, 2013 54:15 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Origins Part 7 - Generosity Pastor Mike Servello jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 24th, 2013 B14C5EAF-1436-48E5-927B-07D98DE6DC32-11953-000050DB219256DF-FFA Sun, 24 Feb 2013 20:19:31 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 24th, 2013 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 24th, 2013 47:29 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Origins Part 6 - Communion Pastor Mark Schilling continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 17th, 2013 46DB0FD5-BA05-4812-98F2-F8FC7EC81C2B-7795-0000298788AE41AD-FFA Sun, 17 Feb 2013 21:55:03 -0500 Pastor Mark Schilling continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 17th, 2013 Pastor Mark Schilling continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 17th, 2013 44:08 Pastor Mark Schilling no Origins Part 5 - Worship Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 10th, 2013 C479F4EF-ED04-4F25-BA72-658D7F0F6C84-7795-00002680BFC31467-FFA Sun, 10 Feb 2013 21:55:20 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 10th, 2013 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 10th, 2013 48:00 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Origins Part 4 - Fellowship Bill Worden continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 3rd, 2013 528FEB15-CB36-4D1D-A5C1-7CAEFF8123F8-13543-00006FFE1B3F8213-FFA Sun, 03 Feb 2013 20:41:23 -0500 Bill Worden continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 3rd, 2013 Bill Worden continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on February 3rd, 2013 37:33 Bill Worden no Origins Part 3 - Prayer Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 27th, 2013 C5A337A2-DC51-4E29-A436-79524C50F5AF-13543-00006FEE7BBD1230-FFA Sun, 27 Jan 2013 20:40:16 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 27th, 2013 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 27th, 2013 43:05 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Steve Fedele Guest speaker Steve Fedele speaks on January 20th, 2013 7B36A3AD-9C56-47C6-A466-B874C1720ECF-3282-000006BFFBB5C8D4-FFA Sun, 20 Jan 2013 17:31:08 -0500 Guest speaker Steve Fedele speaks on January 20th, 2013 Guest speaker Steve Fedele speaks on January 20th, 2013 40:22 Steve Fedele no Origins Part 2 - The Bible Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 13th, 2013 73973260-0C94-404B-9B46-998ABA7EE656-3282-000006B32AB0DAF3-FFA Sun, 13 Jan 2013 17:30:04 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 13th, 2013 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 13th, 2013 49:16 Rick Andrew no Origins Part 1 - Fasting & Prayer Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 6th, 2013 2660A49B-1409-4804-9390-288D4867ED75-8777-0000490482B19328-FFA Sun, 06 Jan 2013 13:01:11 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 6th, 2013 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins our series on Acts chapter 2. Preached on January 6th, 2013 52:51 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Open My Eyes - Pastor Mike Servello Sr. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. preaches on December 30th, 2012 1899535E-1A63-4343-B2AA-CF318765BD67-4210-0000192070F09D37-FFA Sun, 30 Dec 2012 23:34:49 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. preaches on December 30th, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. preaches on December 30th, 2012 43:02 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Christmas Lights - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on December 23rd, 2012 39604F10-C576-44A8-958A-FB982808402F-4210-00001918D09DBD7A-FFA Sun, 23 Dec 2012 23:33:54 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on December 23rd, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on December 23rd, 2012 32:59 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Christmas Lights - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on December 16th, 2012 94123802-994D-42B2-8237-EC1C9432B027-4210-0000190ABC8ABAE7-FFA Sun, 16 Dec 2012 23:33:22 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on December 16th, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on December 16th, 2012 43:51 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Supremacy - Part 11 - Family Pastor Sam Luce continues our series on Colossians. Preached on December 9th, 2012 A74A8774-A6BF-451D-96BA-09577E2BAA54-4210-00001900CAD69D40-FFA Sun, 09 Dec 2012 23:32:18 -0500 Pastor Sam Luce continues our series on Colossians. Preached on December 9th, 2012 Pastor Sam Luce continues our series on Colossians. Preached on December 9th, 2012 46:43 Pastor Sam Luce no Supremacy - Part 10 - Growth Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on December 2nd, 2012 DF2CDD3F-11F3-446B-B19C-B07522A67C19-4210-000018F58C88B5FA-FFA Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:31:40 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on December 2nd, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on December 2nd, 2012 46:43 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Supremacy - Part 9 - Thankfulness Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 25th, 2012. F3C2F96F-E290-4985-B1C6-2769F4A307DE-4210-000018CD4D7EC42B-FFA Sun, 25 Nov 2012 23:29:02 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 25th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 25th, 2012. 48:30 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Supremacy - Part 8 - Fulfillment Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 18th, 2012. 43DBF52D-9D35-428C-A79F-5D6BCFE9CF52-4210-000018C2E1EBBD0E-FFA Sun, 18 Nov 2012 23:30:26 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 18th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 18th, 2012. 30:38 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no David Hall Special guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 11th, 2012. E0EC7B0F-E061-400C-8DF0-C9EE5A2D64DF-22722-0000D390ABAC4D6F-FFA Sun, 11 Nov 2012 16:43:45 -0500 Special guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 11th, 2012. Special guest speaker David Hall speaks on November 11th, 2012. 41:39 Pastor David Hall no Supremacy - Part 7 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 4th, 2012. B17F4660-F9C1-4885-9B31-DDE8338F6441-22722-0000D37A768D30D3-FFA Sun, 04 Nov 2012 16:42:14 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 4th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on November 4th, 2012. 45:42 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Supremacy - Part 6 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 28th, 2012. 2A2FFD73-7AE0-43CE-95B6-B5F969DE2F9C-22722-0000D36D7AAA24BB-FFA Sun, 28 Oct 2012 17:40:39 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 28th, 2012. Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 28th, 2012. 46:53 Pastor Rick Andrew no Supremacy - Part 5 - Legalism Jim Synakowski continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 21st, 2012. 19BFE2CD-4CC8-46DB-924F-16CF1CB41DD6-14171-000092D44CDDA341-FFA Sun, 21 Oct 2012 14:07:35 -0400 Jim Synakowski continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 21st, 2012. Jim Synakowski continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 21st, 2012. 45:58 Jim Synakowski no Supremacy - Part 4 - Worship Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 14th, 2012. 04157B83-B7C8-4990-93F7-40979AB98ED9-14171-000092C4D0D17B3D-FFA Sun, 14 Oct 2012 14:05:17 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 14th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 14th, 2012. 44:42 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Supremacy - Part 3 - Prayer Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 7th, 2012. 33075086-244C-445F-932A-F8BA9A8F5AAA-14171-000092B37AE42CAC-FFA Sun, 07 Oct 2012 14:04:11 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 7th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on Colossians. Preached on October 7th, 2012. 48:19 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Supremacy - Part 2 - Christ Supreme In Everything Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Colossians. Preached on September 30th, 2012. EC8924EC-8E4E-491D-850D-CA078530489F-14171-0000927FFA2231E8-FFA Sun, 30 Sep 2012 14:02:56 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Colossians. Preached on September 30th, 2012. Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on Colossians. Preached on September 30th, 2012. 49:07 Pastor Rick Andrew no Supremacy - Part 1 - Introduction Pastor Mike Servello Jr. starts our series on Colossians. Preached on September 23rd, 2012. 448F8B0D-F28F-4F3C-93C5-BC5C5FC14B54-8157-0000757567E03746-FFA Sun, 23 Sep 2012 11:55:49 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. starts our series on Colossians. Preached on September 23rd, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. starts our series on Colossians. Preached on September 23rd, 2012. 49:55 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no J.D. Hill Special guest speaker JD Hill. Preached on September 16th, 2012. 1CBAB497-ECF2-408B-A4CE-41F255242217-8157-0000755FB3028C61-FFA Sun, 16 Sep 2012 11:52:41 -0400 Special guest speaker JD Hill. Preached on September 16th, 2012. Special guest speaker JD Hill. Preached on September 16th, 2012. 36:02 J.D. Hill no Volunteer Weekend Pastor Mike Servello Jr. shares on serving. Preached on September 9th, 2012. 6E1D3D6F-7B9C-437A-A8A0-531FF3F988F1-8157-0000753ABF11E85B-FFA Sun, 09 Sep 2012 11:51:13 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. shares on serving. Preached on September 9th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. shares on serving. Preached on September 9th, 2012. 50:40 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Interview with Joanne Servello Pastor Mike Servello Jr. sits down for an interview with his grandmother, Joanne Servello. From September 2nd, 2012. 3C73B0E0-B8F6-4F3D-88E1-35EC6D17EC60-8157-0000752491FEE9AC-FFA Sun, 02 Sep 2012 11:48:32 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. sits down for an interview with his grandmother, Joanne Servello. From September 2nd, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. sits down for an interview with his grandmother, Joanne Servello. From September 2nd, 2012. 52:01 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. & Joanne Servello no Proverbs - Part 12 - Pastor Mike Servello Jr. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 26th, 2012. 4580B5DA-0AE2-476F-AAE9-5EBE97019A5D-1964-00000E782B66F806-FFA Sun, 26 Aug 2012 16:53:01 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 26th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 26th, 2012. 54:05 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Proverbs - Part 11 - Pastor Sam Luce Pastor Sam Luce shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 19th, 2012. 0D4F6009-4964-4838-8E25-76C171712B13-1964-00000E6C0BB4D187-FFA Sun, 19 Aug 2012 16:52:00 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 19th, 2012. Pastor Sam Luce shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 19th, 2012. 48:48 Pastor Sam Luce no Proverbs - Part 10 - Pastor Mike Servello Sr. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 12th, 2012. AC8F954D-C372-4749-8A80-ED975219E5AA-1964-00000E5FB48CB7D5-FFA Sun, 12 Aug 2012 16:51:08 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 12th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 12th, 2012. 43:45 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Proverbs - Part 9 - Dave Nicolette Dave Nicolette shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 5th, 2012. 631514E1-F4FF-407F-94D7-BD13C7D51D96-1931-00000E4DAB3EF175-FFA Sun, 05 Aug 2012 16:49:50 -0400 Dave Nicolette shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 5th, 2012. Dave Nicolette shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 5th, 2012. 45:59 Dave Nicolette no Proverbs - Part 8 - Scott Paul Scott Paul shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 5th, 2012. BE2E7E94-6944-4AF5-BA9B-D9D97AFA90D0-1931-00000E41B37D2349-FFA Sun, 05 Aug 2012 16:48:58 -0400 Scott Paul shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 5th, 2012. Scott Paul shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 5th, 2012. 40:38 Scott Paul no Proverbs - Part 7 - John & Wanda Bailey John & Wanda Bailey share on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 4th, 2012. 25BA0D5C-25EC-4204-BC14-7570760F084D-1931-00000E3195CDF789-FFA Sat, 04 Aug 2012 16:48:05 -0400 John & Wanda Bailey share on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 4th, 2012. John & Wanda Bailey share on the book of Proverbs. Preached on August 4th, 2012. 39:57 John & Wanda Bailey no Proverbs - Part 6 - Pastor Mike Servello Sr. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 29th, 2012. F29185D5-9A9D-41A1-8001-1CC86DB16C1C-24577-0000B378467D3336-FFA Sun, 29 Jul 2012 16:46:51 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 29th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 29th, 2012. 46:28 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Proverbs - Part 5 - Gareth Gilpin Pastor Gareth Gilpin shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 22nd, 2012. 178A0ACC-57A5-4C6D-AF89-407C4445BFFF-24577-0000B36C1647B9C7-FFA Sun, 22 Jul 2012 19:58:53 -0400 Pastor Gareth Gilpin shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 22nd, 2012. Pastor Gareth Gilpin shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 22nd, 2012. 47:41 Pastor Gareth Gilpin no Proverbs - Part 4 - Mark Schilling Pastor Mark Schilling shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 15th, 2012. 0649D39E-7D28-4C54-84D4-D9CDE46385A8-5941-0000622D425F9063-FFA Sun, 15 Jul 2012 14:21:49 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 15th, 2012. Pastor Mark Schilling shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 15th, 2012. 40:56 Pastor Mark Schilling no Proverbs - Part 3 - Charlie Pucillo Guest speaker Charlie Pucillo shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 8th, 2012. 2AB51583-076D-4429-AEB8-FCA6B9453A27-5941-0000622252DADBD5-FFA Sun, 08 Jul 2012 14:19:36 -0400 Guest speaker Charlie Pucillo shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 8th, 2012. Guest speaker Charlie Pucillo shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 8th, 2012. 35:55 Charlie Pucillo no Proverbs - Part 2 - Scott Packard Guest speaker Scott Packard shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 8th, 2012. 37E5D5D1-3B05-48E7-AA9B-F43371FD684D-5941-0000621768380ED8-FFA Sun, 08 Jul 2012 14:18:50 -0400 Guest speaker Scott Packard shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 8th, 2012. Guest speaker Scott Packard shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 8th, 2012. 35:01 Scott Packard no Proverbs - Part 1 - Eleanor Webb Guest speaker Eleanor Webb shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 7th, 2012. B33116A9-D9F2-4CB6-992E-2F027076B87D-5941-000061F9C97BAA04-FFA Sat, 07 Jul 2012 14:18:02 -0400 Guest speaker Eleanor Webb shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 7th, 2012. Guest speaker Eleanor Webb shares on the book of Proverbs. Preached on July 7th, 2012. 39:21 Eleanor Webb no Growing Up Part 24 - Giving & Conclusion Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on July 1st, 2012. 0E36EDE5-8023-4427-A2F4-70EBF646C5B7-5941-000061E1F98B18A4-FFA Sun, 01 Jul 2012 14:15:53 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on July 1st, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on July 1st, 2012. 53:07 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 23 - The Resurection Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 24th, 2012 6646BE04-64DC-4C81-9060-5FD6AE05BE36-575-00000386331291A3-FFA Sun, 24 Jun 2012 16:12:05 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 24th, 2012 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 24th, 2012 47:34 Pastor Rick Andrew no Mike Usborne - Father's Day 2012 Guest speaker Mike Usborne speaks on June 16th, 2012 for Father's Day 84C315D6-359D-49B5-8DF0-AFB752FCE21A-517-00000259143015B3-FFA Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:50:54 -0400 Guest speaker Mike Usborne speaks on June 16th, 2012 for Father's Day Guest speaker Mike Usborne speaks on June 16th, 2012 for Father's Day 34:10 Mike Usborne no Bill Worden - Father's Day 2012 Guest speaker Bill Worden speaks on June 17th, 2012 for Father's Day FFC010C7-F2EF-42E7-947E-F2B3BF30E8E1-517-00000246387C4824-FFA Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:50:01 -0400 Guest speaker Bill Worden speaks on June 17th, 2012 for Father's Day Guest speaker Bill Worden speaks on June 17th, 2012 for Father's Day 24:10 Bill Worden no Growing Up Part 22 Guest speaker Chris Cali continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 10th, 2012 8EFD8D9F-7ADC-4747-865A-B4DE1E8A2214-517-00000233886B696C-FFA Sun, 10 Jun 2012 15:48:31 -0400 Guest speaker Chris Cali continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 10th, 2012 Guest speaker Chris Cali continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 10th, 2012 39:00 Chris Cali no Growing Up Part 21 - Finding Your Spiritual Gift Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 3rd, 2012 8A2F7EF7-65E9-4B1D-9269-16D25ED5D3C7-51158-0003015D3D563C87-FFA Sun, 03 Jun 2012 16:13:51 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 3rd, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on June 3rd, 2012 47:51 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 20 - The Holy Spirit Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 27th, 2012 1F14D9D3-49D8-4C65-8872-C2A3546E6A05-51158-00030152FB332905-FFA Sun, 27 May 2012 16:14:29 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 27th, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 27th, 2012 39:21 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 19 Pastor Gareth Gilpin continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 20th, 2012 B3978E0D-6359-4E4A-9BC4-44F6705B3441-659-000008E64CDB9BEE-FFA Sun, 20 May 2012 18:38:45 -0400 Pastor Gareth Gilpin continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 20th, 2012 Pastor Gareth Gilpin continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 20th, 2012 43:15 Pastor Gareth Gilpin no Growing Up Part 18 - A Beutiful Rebuke Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 13th, 2012 0B066122-0BE5-4776-9A5B-B26DE3B13C47-659-000008DCC5B7CF5E-FFA Sun, 13 May 2012 16:15:05 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 13th, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on May 13th, 2012 39:00 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Paul Dunk - The Power That Transforms Special guest Paul Dunk preaches on May 6th, 2012 14CE8F49-8416-44F9-B84B-1790359C1857-35263-0002151648016197-FFA Sun, 06 May 2012 14:13:25 -0400 Special guest Paul Dunk preaches on May 6th, 2012 Special guest Paul Dunk preaches on May 6th, 2012 40:10 Pastor Paul Dunk no Growing Up Part 17 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 29th, 2012 8EAF7EF3-E575-41A4-8281-CBD6D6B21709-35263-00021507F8E19B72-FFA Sun, 29 Apr 2012 14:11:56 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 29th, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 29th, 2012 45:15 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 16 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 22nd, 2012 36DF77EC-DF3F-4006-B4AC-2A555004408A-35263-000214F9FF1FB53E-FFA Sun, 22 Apr 2012 14:11:00 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 22nd, 2012 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 22nd, 2012 47:47 Pastor Rick Andrew no Growing Up Part 15 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 15th, 2012 B88A3C36-EA71-4BD8-9B98-407510873951-35263-000214E86E7CACD1-FFA Sun, 15 Apr 2012 14:09:56 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 15th, 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on April 15th, 2012 47:23 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Easter 2012 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on April 8th, 2012, Easter Sunday. E4BC94C2-0507-493D-841C-B5B19B539A95-13356-0000A4A100EE7DD6-FFA Sun, 08 Apr 2012 18:03:58 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on April 8th, 2012, Easter Sunday. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. preaches on April 8th, 2012, Easter Sunday. 39:08 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Living Beyond Your Limits - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on April 1st, 2012. 2209142F-3336-4624-A7B5-AEE551B5D0D2-13356-0000A48BAE72FC0E-FFA Sun, 01 Apr 2012 18:02:59 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on April 1st, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on April 1st, 2012. 48:44 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Living Beyond Your Limits - Part 2 Pastor Sam Luce continues the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on March 25th, 2012. B0A0BE65-807E-4B1E-925B-3E1BDCF02B8F-13356-0000A47117B855D5-FFA Sun, 25 Mar 2012 18:01:26 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce continues the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on March 25th, 2012. Pastor Sam Luce continues the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on March 25th, 2012. 50:15 Pastor Sam Luce no Living Beyond Your Limits - Part 1 - Craig Johnson Special guest speaker Craig Johnson begins the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on March 18th, 2012. 55B9C326-DAB0-4AB3-875D-FE8C2DE7B257-6687-0000B924B24C23ED-FFA Sun, 18 Mar 2012 20:16:01 -0400 Special guest speaker Craig Johnson begins the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on March 18th, 2012. Special guest speaker Craig Johnson begins the Living Beyond Your Limits series. Preached on March 18th, 2012. 53:11 Craig Johnson no Growing Up Part 14 Special guest speaker Chris Cali continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on March 11th, 2012. CD878D51-5EBD-45D0-89B2-D4F0D93280F5-24721-0000F2AFCB7F37F2-FFA Sun, 11 Mar 2012 15:05:54 -0400 Special guest speaker Chris Cali continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on March 11th, 2012. Special guest speaker Chris Cali continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on March 11th, 2012. 28:16 Chris Cali no Growing Up Part 13 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on March 4th, 2012. 09977F42-D5D0-4499-9104-D081A4B5FA2A-24721-0000F29F036947F9-FFA Sun, 04 Mar 2012 15:04:40 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on March 4th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on March 4th, 2012. 51:39 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 12 - Love Makes Freedom Ironic Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 26th, 2012 D3334F29-EB22-4B2F-8721-86A375AB004B-4655-0000AF269F8D8D0C-FFA Sun, 26 Feb 2012 15:31:27 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 26th, 2012 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 26th, 2012 44:48 Pastor Rick Andrew no Growing Up Part 11 - Meat Sacrificed To Idols Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 19th, 2012. 0613C267-5A03-4BD0-8803-3B6A6C40B378-6809-0000DE22FFB2801B-FFA Sun, 19 Feb 2012 19:49:44 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 19th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 19th, 2012. 47:38 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 10 - Lawsuits Dr. Eldon Wilson continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 12th, 2012. 36BF9936-E467-47D6-A534-B1EB6238AC4F-41065-0000A71311C9ECDB-FFA Sun, 12 Feb 2012 17:08:11 -0500 Dr. Eldon Wilson continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 12th, 2012. Dr. Eldon Wilson continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 12th, 2012. 41:50 Dr. Eldon Wilson no Growing Up Part 9 - Curing The Disease Of Dissatisfaction Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 5th, 2012. F991F4DF-982A-4FBC-981B-E3D26640639A-16035-0000408C71320BAB-FFA Sun, 05 Feb 2012 13:37:12 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 5th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on February 5th, 2012. 52:26 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 8 - Marriage Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on January 29th, 2012. 98C3CFAE-A7A2-41C0-AA27-2B141669DBE3-16035-0000406DBA4EA4B7-FFA Sun, 29 Jan 2012 13:35:33 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on January 29th, 2012. Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on January 29th, 2012. 48:59 Pastor Rick Andrew no Danny Bonilla Special guest Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks at the Redeemer Utica campus on January 22nd, 2011. 2DF657EC-2B77-486F-9A50-EA6BF6E4B978-47492-0000C58E1384DC77-FFA Sun, 22 Jan 2012 15:30:30 -0500 Special guest Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks at the Redeemer Utica campus on January 22nd, 2011. Special guest Pastor Danny Bonilla speaks at the Redeemer Utica campus on January 22nd, 2011. 47:58 Pastor Danny Bonilla no First Things First Part 3 - Prayer Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the First Things First series. Preached on January 15th, 2012. 7B9333D7-6C41-43A6-AE8A-FADEB04345FD-3066-00000A8867541561-FFA Sun, 15 Jan 2012 19:46:54 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the First Things First series. Preached on January 15th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the First Things First series. Preached on January 15th, 2012. 47:06 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no First Things First Part 2 - Fasting Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the First Things First series. Preached on January 8th, 2012. 5F20C5F1-2417-466C-93CE-4912E63D64F8-3066-00000A7A1574B0E2-FFA Sun, 08 Jan 2012 19:46:05 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the First Things First series. Preached on January 8th, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the First Things First series. Preached on January 8th, 2012. 48:20 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no First Things First Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the First Things First series. With special guest speakers Sean Hagarty and David Lisi. Preached on January 1st, 2012. 25111479-AB8C-4D96-ACCD-23061FD25FDC-3066-00000A5C06F6F167-FFA Sun, 01 Jan 2012 19:47:46 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the First Things First series. With special guest speakers Sean Hagarty and David Lisi. Preached on January 1st, 2012. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the First Things First series. With special guest speakers Sean Hagarty and David Lisi. Preached on January 1st, 2012. 48:28 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. with Sean Hagarty and David Lisi no Hope Has Come Part 5 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 25th, 2011. 1F8B5C8E-5D76-4DD5-AB43-AA9624AF41EA-3066-00000A511B5A5371-FFA Sun, 25 Dec 2011 19:42:51 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 25th, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 25th, 2011. 12:00 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Hope Has Come Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 18th, 2011. 9159358F-C536-490E-9BE5-189A90A3826F-3066-00000A44F044C26C-FFA Sun, 18 Dec 2011 19:42:05 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 18th, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 18th, 2011. 28:41 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Hope Has Come Part 3 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 11th, 2011. 1CD129D2-CDE9-43FB-B683-DCB4F28CB05D-54135-000282A4D8BBF4F8-FFA Sun, 11 Dec 2011 22:39:21 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 11th, 2011. Pastor Rick Andrew continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 11th, 2011. 53:35 Pastor Rick Andrew no Hope Has Come Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 4th, 2011. 31B6E9E5-FEB7-4637-819B-C030F32B9F40-54135-00028294AE6722FE-FFA Sun, 04 Dec 2011 22:38:36 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 4th, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Hope Has Come series. Preached on December 4th, 2011. 46:03 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Hope Has Come Part 1 Pastor Mark Schilling begins the Hope Has Come series. Preached on November 27th, 2011. 817EDE50-CB93-475C-9722-26868B100011-54135-000282832B4431F7-FFA Sun, 27 Nov 2011 22:37:26 -0500 Pastor Mark Schilling begins the Hope Has Come series. Preached on November 27th, 2011. Pastor Mark Schilling begins the Hope Has Come series. Preached on November 27th, 2011. 42:29 Pastor Mark Schilling no Growing Up Part 7 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on November 20th, 2011 B59FC787-5DAA-4C44-A7FE-2E703302F2AA-54135-00028274C8EFBA54-FFA Sun, 20 Nov 2011 22:36:11 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on November 20th, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on November 20th, 2011 48:15 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Ted Roberts - Hosea Guest speaker Dr. Ted Roberts preaches at the Utica campus on November 13th, 2011. B3BAA8F8-2464-4C62-8350-2D5762F5D4F3-54135-000282523B22E09C-FFA Sun, 13 Nov 2011 22:35:03 -0500 Guest speaker Dr. Ted Roberts preaches at the Utica campus on November 13th, 2011. Guest speaker Dr. Ted Roberts preaches at the Utica campus on November 13th, 2011. 52:58 Dr. Ted Roberts no Vision Weekend Pastors Mike Servello Sr. and Mike Servello Jr. share the vision for Redeemer Church. Preached on November 6th, 2011. 200E3809-A12F-42ED-B720-2A7D8FD79DC4-54135-00028234FFA4C51B-FFA Sun, 06 Nov 2011 22:32:37 -0500 Pastors Mike Servello Sr. and Mike Servello Jr. share the vision for Redeemer Church. Preached on November 6th, 2011. Pastors Mike Servello Sr. and Mike Servello Jr. share the vision for Redeemer Church. Preached on November 6th, 2011. 45:12 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Growing Up Part 6 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 30th, 2011 12D549E3-1DA6-470A-9FC3-1B568AE0B597-54135-0002822430B4EF7D-FFA Sun, 30 Oct 2011 23:30:34 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 30th, 2011 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 30th, 2011 47:45 Pastor Rick Andrew no Growing Up Part 5 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 23rd, 2011 ADAD988C-0385-41B3-977F-EF92AACFBD79-54135-000282131EDCC145-FFA Sun, 23 Oct 2011 23:29:23 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 23rd, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 23rd, 2011 48:04 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 4 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 16th, 2011 C3265A95-13AB-4DE5-A5E9-E74D4280826A-18826-0000479B1DF0EF4F-FFA Sun, 16 Oct 2011 10:11:03 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 16th, 2011 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 16th, 2011 39:07 Pastor Rick Andrew no Growing Up Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 9th, 2011 852294F0-1DCF-424E-BB02-5DFBA3165569-18826-0000478D1D5C8F90-FFA Sun, 09 Oct 2011 10:10:14 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 9th, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 9th, 2011 43:29 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Growing Up Part 2 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 2nd, 2011. 35E0A3B2-2A8E-4431-9A10-C562B4600692-23298-00005870F8AF43EB-FFA Sun, 02 Oct 2011 14:32:40 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 2nd, 2011. Pastor Rick Andrew continues our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on October 2nd, 2011. 46:56 Pastor Rick Andrew no Growing Up Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on September 25th, 2011. 3CEA9ADE-21B9-49D9-95A0-A1FDC3718C09-23298-00005859ED1C14B2-FFA Sun, 25 Sep 2011 14:32:29 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on September 25th, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins our series on 1st Corinthians. Preached on September 25th, 2011. 45:09 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pastor Mike Servello Jr. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks at the Utica Campus on September 11th, 2011. 53A8E93C-F206-40D8-8208-705935817D6C-23298-0000584E5AB352CB-FFA Sun, 11 Sep 2011 14:32:19 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks at the Utica Campus on September 11th, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. speaks at the Utica Campus on September 11th, 2011. 50:27 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Michael Franzese Former mob boss Michael Franzese speaks at the Utica Campus on September 10th, 2011. 736C2210-4DC8-4A4E-B038-37B76CA825E8-23298-0000583C1F93AC8D-FFA Sat, 10 Sep 2011 14:32:05 -0400 Former mob boss Michael Franzese speaks at the Utica Campus on September 10th, 2011. Former mob boss Michael Franzese speaks at the Utica Campus on September 10th, 2011. 1:15:11 Michael Franzese no Pastor Steve Fedele Special guest Pastor Steve Fedele speaks at the Utica Campus on September 4th, 2011. 66564362-CD61-4D0A-AE68-A8AB484B0FAB-23298-0000582B060411BE-FFA Sun, 04 Sep 2011 14:27:13 -0400 Special guest Pastor Steve Fedele speaks at the Utica Campus on September 4th, 2011. Special guest Pastor Steve Fedele speaks at the Utica Campus on September 4th, 2011. 41:53 Pastor Steve Fedele no Dr. Chin Do Kham Special guest Dr. Chin Do Kham speaks at the Utica Campus on August 28, 2011. C80A58F3-3600-4ADA-8D08-3CCA584233FF-2241-0000066AD6032E38-FFA Sun, 28 Aug 2011 12:00:08 -0400 Special guest Dr. Chin Do Kham speaks at the Utica Campus on August 28, 2011. Special guest Dr. Chin Do Kham speaks at the Utica Campus on August 28, 2011. 49:28 Dr. Chin Do Kham no Parables - Part 5 - Prayer Pastor Gareth Gilpin concludes the Parables series. Preached on August 21, 2011. 90D96D1A-FD1A-4585-9269-D71C4EF9E9B4-2241-0000065B6E334B4B-FFA Sun, 21 Aug 2011 11:58:33 -0400 Pastor Gareth Gilpin concludes the Parables series. Preached on August 21, 2011. Pastor Gareth Gilpin concludes the Parables series. Preached on August 21, 2011. 40:11 Pastor Gareth Gilpin no Parables - Part 4 - The Rich Man & Lazarus Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Parables series. Preached on August 14, 2011. 93CD219B-CDD0-492B-BBA6-0D78B1AE2211-2241-0000064D5CAEAD99-FFA Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:57:26 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Parables series. Preached on August 14, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the Parables series. Preached on August 14, 2011. 43:50 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Parables - Part 3 - The Unforgiving Servant Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the Parables series. Preached on August 7, 2011. 196DBFEF-B464-4DBD-8CAE-C5BD7266738D-7070-000019D2C7506BD9-FFA Sun, 07 Aug 2011 21:35:26 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the Parables series. Preached on August 7, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the Parables series. Preached on August 7, 2011. 42:26 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Parables - Part 2 - The Good Samaritan Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the Parables series. Preached on July 31, 2011. 97814831-3690-4EAD-9F0D-1D6DCE948597-7070-000019BF697FE950-FFA Sun, 31 Jul 2011 21:34:37 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the Parables series. Preached on July 31, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the Parables series. Preached on July 31, 2011. 44:31 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Parables - Part 1 - The Barren Fig Tree Pastor Mark Schilling begins the Parables series. Preached on July 17, 2011. 62A3DD81-4410-4A9A-8B00-5622407CDA63-7070-0000198CB6D66DF8-FFA Sun, 17 Jul 2011 21:33:14 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling begins the Parables series. Preached on July 17, 2011. Pastor Mark Schilling begins the Parables series. Preached on July 17, 2011. 45:41 Pastor Mark Schilling no You've Been Remade - Charlie Sweet Special guest Pastor Charlie Sweet preaches at the Utica Campus on July 10, 2011 29A29890-C9F4-481E-96DA-C13D73E7C88A-6780-0000181596D7CC02-FFA Sun, 10 Jul 2011 18:06:37 -0400 Special guest Pastor Charlie Sweet preaches at the Utica Campus on July 10, 2011 Special guest Pastor Charlie Sweet preaches at the Utica Campus on July 10, 2011 49:10 Pastor Charlie Sweet no The Afterlife - Part 7 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 26th, 2011 50741E33-8B7F-4D4D-B2D6-BA70EB41BDDB-2367-00000B9B6802913E-FFA Sun, 26 Jun 2011 12:26:14 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 26th, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 26th, 2011 49:47 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Afterlife - Part 6 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 19th, 2011 D01B5C55-F913-40B5-B73C-5FCA8814635E-2367-00000B924612E8D5-FFA Sun, 19 Jun 2011 12:25:38 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 19th, 2011 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 19th, 2011 39:50 Pastor Rick Andrew no The Afterlife - Part 5 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 12th, 2011 E312563F-2284-4043-AEE3-7F29BA00A89E-2367-00000B83C03225F7-FFA Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:24:58 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 12th, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 12th, 2011 49:34 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Afterlife - Part 4 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 5th, 2011 74536257-417A-4259-9C68-20BEDC8C5022-3799-000015AB86F51759-FFA Sun, 05 Jun 2011 15:52:02 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 5th, 2011 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on June 5th, 2011 51:49 Pastor Rick Andrew no The Afterlife - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 29th, 2011 0A8294F1-C623-47D5-96BE-88493B8A9FBA-3799-000015A1894FD726-FFA Sun, 29 May 2011 15:50:48 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 29th, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 29th, 2011 51:24 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Afterlife - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 22nd, 2011 at the Albany Campus. D045A416-DC4C-4DA8-A4C5-50B166C5A6AD-5275-00001BA347DFEF00-FFA Sun, 22 May 2011 20:53:40 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 22nd, 2011 at the Albany Campus. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 22nd, 2011 at the Albany Campus. 47:38 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no The Afterlife - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 8th, 2011. CB3C001D-29E0-4AAC-9E84-097A49AD0D3D-590-000001C007637C28-FFA Sun, 08 May 2011 11:17:45 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 8th, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the series "The Afterlife." Preached on May 8th, 2011. 45:59 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Don Piper Don Piper speaks at the Utica Campus on May 1st, 2011 C301FDB2-E751-4196-B9AB-6B5DA69A1ECE-16210-00005F958A043B84-FFA Sun, 01 May 2011 15:07:10 -0400 Don Piper speaks at the Utica Campus on May 1st, 2011 Don Piper speaks at the Utica Campus on May 1st, 2011 57:25 Don Piper no Pastor Jude Fouquier Pastor Jude Fouquier preaches at the special Pursue service on April 27th, 2011 at the Utica campus. 01007A2B-4757-4C2C-9EBD-5D77F02A41F1-533-0000017E79730B3F-FFA Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:07:27 -0400 Pastor Jude Fouquier preaches at the special Pursue service on April 27th, 2011 at the Utica campus. Pastor Jude Fouquier preaches at the special Pursue service on April 27th, 2011 at the Utica campus. 42:49 Pastor Jude Fouquier no In God We Trust - Part 6 Pastor Mark Schilling concludes the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 17th, 2011 98D8D4D2-951D-47A3-BF05-F5AAE0A28F8E-10598-00002936173E5839-FFA Sun, 17 Apr 2011 22:15:57 -0400 Pastor Mark Schilling concludes the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 17th, 2011 Pastor Mark Schilling concludes the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 17th, 2011 42:49 Pastor Mark Schilling no In God We Trust - Part 5 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 10th, 2011 21EF8B82-A7D4-4CE7-AFB0-A4095A08C42E-10598-0000292AC98B4BD2-FFA Sun, 10 Apr 2011 22:15:00 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 10th, 2011 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 10th, 2011 42:55 Pastor Rick Andrew no In God We Trust - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 3rd, 2011 583BE462-5383-48F0-8FC1-D834DED363EB-10598-00002918F1D1B6F7-FFA Sun, 03 Apr 2011 22:14:11 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 3rd, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on April 3rd, 2011 46:14 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no In God We Trust - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 20th, 2011 F5BE6DB4-8432-4BE4-9B51-42FF18C916A8-10598-0000290C94FB6AB9-FFA Sun, 20 Mar 2011 22:12:54 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 20th, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 20th, 2011 44:18 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Wendy Perez Special guest speaker Wendy Perez. Message preached on March 27, 2011 at the Albany campus. 05BEAC81-C059-49E9-8653-283BA439CDDF-3812-00001297BBD0334C-FFA Sun, 27 Mar 2011 15:44:30 -0400 Special guest speaker Wendy Perez. Message preached on March 27, 2011 at the Albany campus. Special guest speaker Wendy Perez. Message preached on March 27, 2011 at the Albany campus. 38:59 Wendy Perez no In God We Trust - Part 2 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 13th, 2011. F14EB5CF-CA8A-4520-BF84-F4D44C9698DF-12895-0000532363F66332-FFA Sun, 13 Mar 2011 12:00:46 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 13th, 2011. Pastor Rick Andrew continues the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 13th, 2011. 41:23 Pastor Rick Andrew no In God We Trust - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 6th, 2011. EC193B7A-B753-4EA9-8888-043CB8F8BDCF-12895-000053091298C646-FFA Mon, 07 Mar 2011 11:59:54 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 6th, 2011. Pastor Mike Servello Jr. begins the series "In God We Trust." Preached on March 6th, 2011. 47:13 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Royce Iverson Special guest speaker Royce Iverson F57E6FF7-655B-4C2F-9FDC-060DD70A0CA0-2129-00000CD922437B6F-FFA Sun, 06 Mar 2011 12:57:47 -0500 Special guest speaker Royce Iverson. Preached on March 6, 2011 at the Albany Campus. Special guest speaker Royce Iverson. Preached on March 6, 2011 at the Albany Campus. 31:32 Royce Iverson no WAR - Part 9 - Vision Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "WAR" series. Preached on February 27, 2011 D3033581-9F8F-4FD7-9912-E753E718A1A8-6960-0000171709D2E8EE-FFA Sun, 27 Feb 2011 21:17:05 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "WAR" series. Preached on February 27, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "WAR" series. Preached on February 27, 2011 47:14 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no WAR - Part 8 - Unity Pastor Sam Luce continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 20, 2011 CBE80217-5472-4009-876B-7F869DD34383-6960-000017098B20E488-FFA Sun, 20 Feb 2011 21:15:55 -0500 Pastor Sam Luce continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 20, 2011 Pastor Sam Luce continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 20, 2011 43:07 Pastor Sam Luce no WAR - Part 7 - Giving Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 13, 2011 6A75152F-F446-40A1-AD52-C17AC5FA41EB-882-00000363BA30C69D-FFA Sun, 13 Feb 2011 16:33:47 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 13, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 13, 2011 43:43 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no WAR - Part 6 - Evangelism Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 6, 2011 40A18D63-CA8A-4897-8267-5A113A434975-882-00000353D29405C1-FFA Sun, 06 Feb 2011 16:32:34 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 6, 2011 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "WAR" series. Preached on February 6, 2011 47:02 Pastor Rick Andrew no WAR - Part 5 - Enlisting Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 30, 2011 9CA81845-3F03-41A5-81AD-4648F82F6612-882-0000032DE2069928-FFA Sun, 30 Jan 2011 16:31:27 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 30, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 30, 2011 27:30 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no WAR - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 23, 2011 EB55BB51-3DC9-4DDB-969F-7E2C3C5D4553-937-0000041765E3B38F-FFA Sun, 23 Jan 2011 16:30:30 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 23, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 23, 2011 46:04 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no WAR - Part 3 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 16, 2011 C0722C44-68A6-42B5-91C6-4354ABD0D8A9-937-0000040C9B578AD5-FFA Sun, 16 Jan 2011 22:44:01 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 16, 2011 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 16, 2011 51:12 Pastor Rick Andrew no WAR - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 9, 2011 A9A742EA-9938-4126-A5BF-CDE4BF7556E1-937-000004010A89CE29-FFA Sun, 09 Jan 2011 22:43:15 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 9, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "WAR" series. Preached on January 9, 2011 45:45 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no WAR - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. begins the "WAR" series. Preached on January 2, 2011 FA54D190-6C16-47EE-9E0F-579D35BBCAEB-937-000003DF28F2E4FA-FFA Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:42:25 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. begins the "WAR" series. Preached on January 2, 2011 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. begins the "WAR" series. Preached on January 2, 2011 54:35 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Advent Conspiracy - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 26, 2010 E3A87B12-CDAE-4DD3-BCDE-81AA679E2EB0-892-0000040454222611-FFA Sun, 26 Dec 2010 15:15:34 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 26, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 26, 2010 47:32 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Advent Conspiracy - Part 2 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 19, 2010 F291FA5E-0ED5-4010-92E5-E8D19AABB928-892-000003F162BB4CB5-FFA Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:14:39 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 19, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 19, 2010 24:58 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Advent Conspiracy - Rob Morris Special guest, Rob Morris continues the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 12, 2010 at the Albany Campus 861C9428-EE79-4185-94AD-CE7597A66B51-892-000003A31807BFF2-FFA Sun, 12 Dec 2010 15:13:16 -0500 Special guest, Rob Morris continues the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 12, 2010 at the Albany Campus Special guest, Rob Morris continues the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 12, 2010 at the Albany Campus 42:00 Rob Morris no Advent Conspiracy - Part 1 Pastor Rick Andrew begins the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 12, 2010 A20FB909-46A4-462E-9263-B751ED38495C-892-0000038BC85A2A93-FFA Sat, 11 Dec 2010 15:07:36 -0500 Pastor Rick Andrew begins the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 12, 2010 Pastor Rick Andrew begins the "Advent Conspiracy" series. Preached on December 12, 2010 57:00 Pastor Rick Andrew no Bewitched - Part 9 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Bewitched" series. Preached on December 5, 2010 D0BF42AF-2F5F-4A7A-8791-56CBEC942C63-5115-00001F3211159B08-FFA Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:51:12 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Bewitched" series. Preached on December 5, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Bewitched" series. Preached on December 5, 2010 48:14 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Bewitched - Part 8 Pastor Paul Schilling continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on November 28, 2010 164D384E-6796-48DB-A375-B6851281071D-5115-00001F26456FD77F-FFA Sun, 28 Nov 2010 22:50:08 -0500 Pastor Paul Schilling continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on November 28, 2010 Pastor Paul Schilling continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on November 28, 2010 39:05 Pastor Paul Schilling no Bewitched - Part 7 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on November 21, 2010 64E13CCB-1B64-41FE-938C-D57DD785FE49-5115-00001F1698B0F51B-FFA Sun, 21 Nov 2010 22:49:16 -0500 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on November 21, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on November 21, 2010 43:27 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no What's The Forecast? Guest speaker, Paul Dunk. Preached on November 14, 2010 at the Albany Campus 77C8F1CE-7841-4CBE-8ED2-0CC8ABB75931-571-000002385483A0A9-FFA Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:00:52 -0500 Guest speaker, Paul Dunk. Preached on November 14, 2010 at the Albany Campus Guest speaker, Paul Dunk. Preached on November 14, 2010 at the Albany Campus 52:54 Paul Dunk no Gone Fishing Guest speaker, Rich Wilkerson Jr. Preached on November 14, 2010 at the Utica Campus AD0BD7A9-8566-49DA-8935-B1FBE6787358-571-000001E858FB4FE6-FFA Sun, 14 Nov 2010 13:48:38 -0500 Guest speaker, Rich Wilkerson Jr. Preached on November 14, 2010 at the Utica Campus Guest speaker, Rich Wilkerson Jr. Preached on November 14, 2010 at the Utica Campus 39:05 Rich Wilkerson Jr. no Growing The Church Guest speaker, Apostle Emanuele Cannistraci. November 7, 2010 3A55E973-DCD6-4BD6-9273-A8557F47C387-2834-0000113BF3D67D73-FFA Sun, 07 Nov 2010 15:49:14 -0500 Guest speaker, Apostle Emanuele Cannistraci. November 7, 2010 Guest speaker, Apostle Emanuele Cannistraci. November 7, 2010 46:04 Emanuele Cannistraci no Bewitched - Part 6 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 31, 2010 9442E30E-D0D0-491A-AAE1-F885C3BB9562-2834-0000112D4E135F3F-FFA Sun, 31 Oct 2010 16:46:41 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 31, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 31, 2010 40:43 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Bewitched - Part 5 Pastor Gareth Gilpin continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 24, 2010 0D4B5DAF-C68B-4EDF-9831-B5D72D78AABD-2834-0000111FD0DD8FE3-FFA Sun, 24 Oct 2010 16:45:40 -0400 Pastor Gareth Gilpin continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 24, 2010 Pastor Gareth Gilpin continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 24, 2010 52:14 Pastor Gareth Gilpin no Bewitched - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 17, 2010 4F5E5BF7-2BAD-4C0C-B3C8-A54ED3BEF403-2834-0000110F4F1861F8-FFA Sun, 17 Oct 2010 16:44:29 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 17, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 17, 2010 38:46 Pastor Mike Servello no Bewitched - Part 3 Pastor Mike Servello continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 10, 2010 2B23E922-B722-4F6C-8EFC-D616B24AD78E-3335-0000149382796A42-FFA Sun, 10 Oct 2010 14:36:17 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 10, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 10, 2010 48:09 Pastor Mike Servello no Bewitched - Part 2 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 3, 2010 358805BD-3408-4B28-B887-DB952686E8CB-2121-00000C08B376ABA8-FFA Sun, 03 Oct 2010 15:21:46 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 3, 2010 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "Bewitched" series. Preached on October 3, 2010 50:45 Pastor Rick Andrew no Bewitched - Part 1 Pastor Mike Servello begins the "Bewitched" series. Preached on September 26, 2010 CAB5F1F1-2F83-4232-B92A-78E008CFDBD3-2121-00000BDAEAB77D5F-FFA Sun, 26 Sep 2010 15:20:20 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello begins the "Bewitched" series. Preached on September 26, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello begins the "Bewitched" series. Preached on September 26, 2010 44:46 Pastor Mike Servello no Pastor Ted Roberts Guest speaker, Pastor Pastor Ted Roberts. September 19, 2010 D86D6741-AEFD-4339-9D5B-0286DFE9C850-2121-00000BA096267C31-FFA Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:16:16 -0400 Guest speaker, Pastor Pastor Ted Roberts. September 19, 2010 Guest speaker, Pastor Pastor Ted Roberts. September 19, 2010 43:49 Ted Roberts no Imagine - Part 9 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Imagine" series. Preached on September 19, 2010 2EF78020-6E18-4288-93F6-5EA004301D07-3852-00001869DFD1DC04-FFA Tue, 21 Sep 2010 22:34:12 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Imagine" series. Preached on September 19, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. concludes the "Imagine" series. Preached on September 19, 2010 43:49 Imagine Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Pastor Steve Fedele Guest speaker, Pastor Steve Fedele. September 5, 2010 EF719D1E-65D2-4C44-A41E-6AA6B1BB468C-2787-000012289F4A4C33-FFA Sun, 05 Sep 2010 13:05:22 -0400 Guest speaker, Pastor Steve Fedele. September 5, 2010 Guest speaker, Pastor Steve Fedele. September 5, 2010 28:41 Imagine Pastor Steve Fedele no Imagine - Part 8 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 29, 2010 17B2A6B3-6FC2-472E-839B-1B4078B0123E-215-000000299692DE78-FFA Sun, 05 Sep 2010 07:05:17 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 29, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 29, 2010 45:06 Imagine Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Imagine - Part 7 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 22, 2010 3B6E5DCD-F086-41D5-88AF-D93CC58645DD-7410-000026BC04FA1659-FFA Thu, 26 Aug 2010 14:35:52 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 22, 2010 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 22, 2010 40:18 Imagine Pastor Rick Andrew no Imagine - Part 6 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 15, 2010 9F48BE3B-9C06-4E58-A7BF-360742479E30-84699-0001E9E86A601D9E-FFA Tue, 24 Aug 2010 10:53:32 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 15, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Jr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 15, 2010 39:35 Imagine Pastor Mike Servello Jr. no Imagine - Part 5 Pastor Sam Luce continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 8, 2010 438D86FA-BD3B-455D-9B26-E5D1DD385D14-82881-0002141BF0576BC8-FFA Thu, 12 Aug 2010 12:38:43 -0400 Pastor Sam Luce continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 8, 2010 Pastor Sam Luce continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 8, 2010 41:32 Imagine Pastor Sam Luce no Imagine - Part 4 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 1, 2010 4C4CB5A5-9D3F-477C-8DAA-22A52976747C-82881-000213FC8D39AD7D-FFA Thu, 12 Aug 2010 12:37:25 -0400 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 1, 2010 Pastor Mike Servello Sr. continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on August 1, 2010 49:05 Imagine Pastor Mike Servello Sr. no Imagine - Part 3 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 25, 2010 2950F4B1-B077-4445-98B3-F806F123E7EE-47244-00012C56F5FFFD87-FFA Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:43:00 -0400 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 25, 2010 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 25, 2010 46:40 Imagine Pastor Michael Servello no Imagine - Part 2 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 18, 2010 09A88C3E-9459-4392-92D1-9A73A64009AD-47244-00012C3EBF577A34-FFA Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:42:57 -0400 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 18, 2010 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 18, 2010 41:47 Imagine Pastor Michael Servello no Imagine - Part 1 Dr. Eldon Wilson begins the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 11, 2010 B780F290-FA53-4C88-9D1C-B96F61E12DAA-47244-00012C1B50A33D46-FFA Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:42:53 -0400 Dr. Eldon Wilson begins the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 11, 2010 Dr. Eldon Wilson begins the "Imagine" series. Preached on July 11, 2010 39:04 Imagine Dr. Eldon Wilson no I Love My Church - Part 4 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 27, 2010 4CD50C06-8658-40B3-B2AF-0D6C582FF9BB-47244-00012B7A02D3C097-FFA Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:42:50 -0400 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 27, 2010 Pastor Rick Andrew continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 27, 2010 34:03 I Love My Church Pastor Rick Andrew no I Love My Church - Part 3 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 20, 2010 21ED14B2-4ECA-459F-9663-6EAFF1040DC7-47244-00012B6B05330190-FFA Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:42:46 -0400 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 20, 2010 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 20, 2010 27:27 I Love My Church Pastor Michael Servello no I Love My Church - Part 2 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 13, 2010 51F7D6C9-95A8-4BDF-A80D-F8EED602A85B-47244-00012B14E7DC5FCC-FFA Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:42:43 -0400 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 13, 2010 Pastor Michael Servello continues the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 13, 2010 41:38 I Love My Church Pastor Michael Servello no I Love My Church - Part 1 Pastor Michael Servello begins the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 6, 2010 79C2744F-1ECD-4FFA-AA9C-35A04E4F80DE-46959-00012A2DE5DA98AD-FFA Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:42:39 -0400 Pastor Michael Servello begins the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 6, 2010 Pastor Michael Servello begins the "I Love My Church" series. Preached on June 6, 2010 45:37 I Love My Church Pastor Michael Servello no