
Radically ordinary hospitality shows this skeptical, post-Christian world what authentic Christianity looks like.
Rosaria Butterfield 

We see in scripture the radical ordinariness of Christian fellowship around tables. Much of the time Jesus spent with his disciples and those who were not yet disciples were around a table eating, laughing, and learning. Hospitality is not a good idea in scripture; it is one of the hallmarks of a gospel-transformed community. You don’t need to be wealthy or even a gifted cook. You simply need to be obedient and use the gifts God has placed in your hands and invite the people God has placed on your heart. What is interesting in scripture is the ordinary nature of the meals served, often fish, bread, and wine but the extraordinary nature of the guest of honor. 1,000 tables is an invitation to us as a church to recapture the beauty of the ordinary and to carve out time spent together with friends and neighbors to see God do extraordinary things that result from our simple acts of obedience. 

"We loved getting to open our home and meet new people"

Hosting a table can be fun and easy! Email photos of your gatherings to tables@redeemer.tv

Table Questions
